Chapter 29

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Harry, Louis, and Niall met up at Louis' for a drink a few days later to catch up. It was nice to just talk about non-work related things. Freddie even came out to see them for a bit before he had to be put down for a nap.

"That's just so weird," Niall said to Harry as they waited or Louis to return.

"What?" Harry turned to him.

"Seeing Tommo with Freddie like...I don't know, like it just comes naturally," Niall shrugged.

"Oh, yeah I guess." Harry had in fact noticed, but his head was elsewhere at the moment.

"And now Payno and Bear...shit Harry, we're the only ones left," Niall laughed, and Harry nodded, but he was still deep in thought. "You and Molly ever think about that? Settling down? Having kids?"

"Yeah," Harry absently nodded, until he saw Niall's shocked expression. "I mean, no - we've only been dating like-" Harry stopped. They'd been dating a month, almost, but how long were they supposed to have been together? "Like, uh...a few months. It's way too soon for that."

"She seems like a nice girl. I can't believe she's a fan." Niall snickered, and Harry hit his arm just as Louis returned.

"I leave you two for five minutes and you start fighting?" He joked as he joined them. "What are we teasing Harold about this time?"

"He's dating a fan!" Niall laughed loudly.

"Ah yes that's right," Louis grinned at Harry's blushing cheeks. "Tell me, was she one of those fans who finds out where you're staying and tries to follow you up to your room? And you thought, 'yeah, why not'?'"

"No, nothing like that," Harry shook his head and his cheeks reddened even more.

"He's blushing, I think I might be right," Louis teased, and Niall snickered.

"No, that's not how it happened," Harry defended again and hid his face in his hands.

"I asked her if you'd knocked her up, and she denied it, but really, you can tell us the truth, mate," Louis continued, and Harry had to look up to see if he was joking or not.

"Why do people keep asking that?" Harry didn't mean to sound mad, but this was the third or fourth time someone jumped to that conclusion. "She's not skinny, but she certainly doesn't look pregnant."

"I was just teasing!" Louis defended. "But really, mate, you're next."

"I was just saying that!" Niall piped up, pulling himself out of his drink. "But why not me?"

"You'd have to have a girl to get pregnant," Louis teased, and Harry laughed.

"I could get a girlfriend!" Niall defended. "Or, maybe I'll adopt," he added, pretending to sound smug.

Harry and Louis burst out laughing as Niall tried to defend his statement with a straight face.

"I could just see the headlines now: 'Niall Horan adopts baby'." Harry shook his head.

"Maybe I'll adopt a teenager! Throw everyone off!" Niall laughed.

"I think you've had enough to drink for tonight," Louis snatched Niall's drink before he could could finish it off.

"I think we all might have had enough." Harry agreed it was time to stop before someone had 'one too many' and the light hearted mood they had tried to maintain turned dark. There were certain subjects none of them wanted to bring up, and perhaps it was time to call it a night before anyone said anything they'd regret.

They parted ways and promised to keep in touch, wishing each other good luck with their upcoming albums/tours. As Harry rode home (electing not to drive) his head started to clear a bit, and there was only one thing on his mind: Molly.

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