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Molly sat in Harry's dressing room in Switzerland before the first show of the second leg of his tour. As she watched him get his nearly-shoulder-length hair done, Molly reflected on the past few months since the surprise 1D reunion; so much had changed, yet in a way, nothing was really that different - they were still just Molly and Harry.

One of the major changes happened in February -February third to be exact- when Daisy had her baby. The next day, she posted a picture of herself with the baby, Brooks, and his father Conor, almost as if to say 'hey, look at my biracial child who is clearly not the result of a non-existent fling I had with Harry Styles'. She said something more acceptable, like, 'we're so happy to meet our son' that clearly implied the paternity of the baby.

Yet, that did not stop some fans from keeping up the rumor that Daisy had a fling with Harry, and he got her pregnant. They argue that it's a fake baby and Conor was hired to pretend to be the father to throw suspicion off of Harry. As if that wasn't entertaining enough, the Haisy fans think they have a secret baby named Darcy or Persephone, and she has beautiful green eyes (of course). Molly found it all hilarious, and entertaining, but really didn't care. She and Harry had more important things to concern themselves with.

After the success of the deluxe album at Christmas, Harry and his team considered adding a few other unreleased songs to the setlist for his upcoming arena tour. They tried to find a few songs they had already written that would fit, but Harry instead decided he wanted to write a new song - maybe something that would appear on the next album.

Just a few weeks ago, near the end of February, Harry finally appeared on the Ellen Degeneres show. Some had wondered why he hadn't back when his album first came out, or even before the first leg of his tour, but now that the arena tour was starting, he finally made an appearance. She of course had to ask about the hot subjects, like Molly and Daisy's baby, but they did eventually get around to the important topic of his upcoming tour.

"So," Ellen paused with a cheeky grin, "a lot has happened since the last time you were here?"

"What do you mean?" Harry joked, and the audience laughed.

"Where do I even start?" Ellen laughed. "The album, the tour, the girlfriend, the baby-"

"-not my baby," Harry corrected.

"I've heard she's making you his godfather?" She asked.

"That is false information."

"Fake news!" Ellen laughed. "Well, on to another subject...you've got a new girlfriend, maybe a baby of your own is not too far in the future?" Ellen grinned at the audience's reaction and Harry's blushing cheeks.

"Not any time soon." He emphatically shook his head 'no'.

"You guys are still young, no rush. Tell me about the girlfriend, though?"

"Molly is amazing, and I don't think I'd be here without her," he said, with a chorus of 'aww's from the studio audience.

"Right, well she drove you here today, so you really wouldn't be here without her," Ellen joked. "She sounds like a keeper, though."

"Indeed, she has been instrumental in providing feedback to help steer things in the right direction," Harry clarified what he meant by 'here'.

"Nice pun, and speaking of which, how did that epic One Direction reunion come about, and will we get to see you guys all together again?"

Harry bit his lips as the audience shrieked. "I'm not sure about the second part -sorry- but the reunion was arranged by Molly. We all just happened to be at the same place at the same time, so it worked out."

"So, you're saying that if the four of you -or five-" Ellen paused for reaction from the audience, "just happened to be in the same place at the same time again, then you might reunite?"

The audience screamed, and Harry again blushed. "Well, it would, um, depend on the circumstances, and, uh, other things," he stammarred, not prepared for this question. "They're not going to jump out and scare me, are they?" He looked around and behind his seat for some hidden former bandmates.

Ellen laughed. "No, they're not, I'm just messing around with you. After this, we're going to play a quick game, and then you're going to sing one of your new songs!"

After they cut to commercial, Harry headed back stage for a moment. As expected he found Molly backstage pacing.

"Ellen really likes to put you on the spot and make you feel awkward," Molly laughed, "but that's what makes it exciting."

"Not for me it doesn't," Harry laughed. "That was uncomfortable."

"But you know the fans love it," Molly reminded him.

"They do, and now I'm going to have to play a fun game Ellen's crafted, involving a fan," Harry somewhat jokingly complained as he saw a producer motioning him back to the stage.

"Have fun!" Molly called after him.

A knock on the door startled Harry and Molly as they sat in his dressing room in Switzerland.

"Ten minutes, Harry," the stage manager notified him.

"Thank you," he replied absently as the door clicked shut, leaving the pair alone again. The hairdresser had left, and Rupert had put the finishing touches on Harry's outfit for the first show of his arena tour. Now, it was just Harry and Molly.

"You ready?" She asked.

"I guess so," he nodded and swallowed hard. He quickly checked himself in the mirror one last time to make sure everything looked okay. He'd stuck with a classic look of chelsea boots and black pants, a t-shirt with the Rolling Stones' logo on it, and paired the outfit with a fancy belt.

"Good luck," Molly kissed his cheek and he left to join his band. Molly steadfastly stood just off stage, as she always did, and watched him radiate as stood in front of the audience. The amount of energy in the crowd was palpable as the show started, and they seamlessly ran through their well-rehearsed setlist.

"As you know, I released a few more songs at Christmas -and I can tell by the way you're singing along that you all bought it and have been diligently listening- but I have another, even newer, song I'd like to sing." Harry glanced off stage to where he knew Molly was standing and made eye contact. He had a cheeky smirk on his face, and Molly had no idea what he was talking about. "I'd like to dedicate this next song to my awesome girlfriend Molly." He again looked over at her, and grinned as the crowd 'awwed'.

She smiled back at him, and his eyes softened. They stared at each other for a moment before Harry turned back to the audience. "Anyway, this is 'Lunar Eclipse'."

A/N: Okay, this is the real end of the story. I had to add an epilogue since the story just didn't feel completed. One a side note, I'm kind of working on a Niall fanfic, and have gotten into 5SOS so I might have to write something about them too....

Lastly, I'm now co-running the Spectre awards, and we're looking for more judges if anyone is interested. The judging section is almost over, but if you're interested check it out, and let me know: https://www.wattpad.com/story/146859259-spectre-awards-2018

Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting! :D

Header gif credit to tumblr user bonerrdirection 

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