Chapter 46

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Harry read over Molly's text when he awoke, and smiled.

*I just thought you'd like some cheering up

He replied, and rolled out of bed. Harry was glad he could bring a smile to his girlfriend's face, even while halfway around the world. He knew she must be feeling as down as he was about their separation, and just wanted her to be happy. Yet, she didn't mention anything about 'Holly' or ask how he knew her favorite flowers....maybe he'd gotten it wrong? Maybe that wasn't her fanfiction after all?

"Harry!" Someone knocked at his hotel room door, and he jumped out of bed quickly.

"Coming!" He grabbed some clothes and opened the door.

"We want to go over the final cut of the video before it airs tomorrow, okay?" Several people barraged into his hotel room, and Harry tried to fully wake up.

"Okay, that's great. I'd love to see the final cut." He put on a smile and sat down with his team to review the footage.

Well into reviewing footage, Harry finally checked his phone and saw all the texts from Molly:

*What are the flowers really for?

*Who's the pregnant girl?

*Who's baby is in the carriage?

*Is this an illegitimate child???

'Oh shit...' Harry thought and stepped out to respond to her. His heart raced, and his head couldn't wrap around what she was saying.

*No, no, it's a surprise ; )

This text received no immediate response, but Harry hoped it was the time change, and maybe she was asleep. He took a deep breath, and tried to think straight.

*Harry, what is going on

He read Molly's text, and realized perhaps his secretiveness was a bit misleading on her side. Harry tried to back-track, but he was at a loss for words, and somehow all he could think of was:

*Sorry, it'll make sense soon

Harry shook his head, and knew that wasn't a good explanation. He tried to think of something better to say, but Mitch came to find him.

"Hey man, want to run through that new 1D cover you wanted to try out? And when did you want to play it?" Mitch asked.

"I'm not sure...maybe we won't need it after all," Harry shook his head. Before he could say anything else, Karen appeared and said Harry was needed again.

"Maybe another time," he said to Mitch before reluctantly following Karen back into his hotel room. As much as he loved his job, sometimes (like right now) he hated all the complications that came long with it.

* * *

"Gemma!" Molly screamed once Harry's sister answered the phone. "Gemma please tell me you know what's going on?"

"Umm," Gemma blinked and tried to focus. "In general, or more specifically? God it's early, this better be important."

"Hey, I waited several hours to call you so I wouldn't wake up up too early. And yes, it is important," Molly's voice broke as she quietly explained. "I think Harry might be cheating on me!"

"Woah there, what is that?" Gemma laughed. "Harry would never, he's madly...mad...He really likes you."

Molly was not convinced. "He sent me flowers -my favorite flower, I don't know how he figured that one out- but he spelled my name wrong! That might have just been a typo, but why would he send me flowers out of the blue like that?"

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