Chapter 49

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Harry's next Jingle Ball performance was in Chicago on the 13th, and even though they were on a tight schedule, he and Molly still found time to visit Daisy. The last time Harry had seen Daisy in Chicago, things didn't go so well, so he hoped to fix that this time around.

"How are you feeling? You look great, by the way." Molly asked Daisy as they sat around the table in Daisy's apartment.

"Thanks, I don't feel like I look great, but I guess that's what comes with being seven months pregnant." Daisy shrugged.

"Do you have any names picked out? If it's a boy, I have a suggestion." Harry raised his eyebrows a few times.

"Thanks, but I don't think we'll name him 'Harry', sorry," Daisy laughed and looked up at Conor.

"So it is a boy?" Molly grinned at Harry. "I was right."

"I thought for sure it would be a girl." Harry groaned.

"Sorry," Daisy shrugged. "Conor and I picked out the name Brooks, after some hockey player on...which team?" She turned to look up at him.

"The Washington Capitals, " Conor answered. "They're not really my favorite team, but I like the name if Daisy likes it." He caringly wrapped his arm around Daisy's shoulder, and she smiled up at him.

"You guys are so cute." Harry smiled at the pair. "What, what exactly are you? I mean, like, a couple, or...?" He trailed off as Molly gave him a stern look.

"We're just a couple of people who happened to make a baby together." Daisy jokingly answered and snickered. "We're friends, I think that covers it." She clarified, and Conor agreed.

"It's the 21st century, sometimes 'a couple' is a straight, black, hockey player and the lesbian he knocked up," Conor added with a smirk, and they all laughed.

"I'm happy to see you're doing well, and I hope you can both make it to the show tonight," Molly smiled at Daisy and Conor.

"We'll definitely come!" Daisy gave her a quick hug before Molly and Harry had to leave.

Molly and Harry met Liam back stage to go over what song they were going to sing together. Harry had already done 'Fool's Gold' and 'Strong' with Niall and Louis, so he decided to go a different direction with Liam.

"I heard you sang a few songs with Niall and Louis, so I have expected this," Liam shook his head, but laughed, when Harry brought it up.

"I had to, right? The opportunity presented itself, and the fans loved it, so why not?" Harry laughed. "Are you going to be at the Florida Jingle Ball too?"

Liam nodded. "I am, and I think Niall's going to be, as well."

"Really?" Harry's eyes got big and he was speechless for a minute. "Louis' going to be there too."

Molly hadn't been paying close attention to the conversation until this point, but perked up when she heard this. "Really? So, all four members of One Direction are going to be in at the Jingle Ball in Florida? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She grinned at Harry and Liam.

"We should say hi to them," he nodded.

"No, that wasn't it...nevermind." Molly left to make a few phone calls while Harry finished talking to Liam about the show that night.

'That was odd...' He thought, and spaced out for a bit.

"Harry?" Liam repeated.

"Yes, sorry, just lost in..." he vaguely pointed toward his head. "Just caught up in thought. So, what song did you want to sing with me?"

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