Chapter 14: Hospital

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Mrs. Han:
"Y-youngJae... YoungJae... got in an accident...She is now at the hospital with me but I don't know her condition yet..."

An... accident? I'm so scared just thinking of what might have happened to her. I should have just sent her back home by myself.

"Ma'am can you please tell me which hostipal it is? Oh...thank you so much, thank you so much. I'll be coming there right away."

"W-what was that? Is it...bad?"

" in an accident MiNa and I have to go now please just tell mom that I'll be out."

"I will go with you"

"O-okay...let's go then quick!"

After telling my mom about YoungJae, both MiNa and I ran outside the house to take a taxi and I made the driver rush for us, I'm so worried, I'm so scared... please hope you are okay YoungJae.

We are now at the hospital, in the emergency room and I asked the nurse of where YoungJae is. She pointed where and I ran like a madman. I opened the curtain and saw Mrs. Han. I hugged her sadly trying to comfort and also saw YoungJae laying down on the hospital bed...she is covered of wounds and bruises. She looks terrible...I held her hand and I started to cry. I said while trembling.

"P-please YoungJae, get well soon."

Mrs. Han:
"Thank you for coming dear and to you lady. YoungJae would be happy to know you came here to see her."

Jungkook silently smiled sadly and just kept on holding YoungJae's hands.
"No problem Ma'am..."

I don't know what to say in this situation, I can feel both of their sadness. I can't believe what I am looks like she had a very bad accident. I feel sad for both of them. I can only stand by their side and do nothing...

The doctor came and jungkook suddenly stood up and attacked him with questions.

"How is YoungJae's condition? She will be fine, right? She will-"

"Calm down young man. Well so far she sure had lots of external injuries but don't worry she don't have any internal injuries so she will be fine in a few days."

"We also ran some tests on her and everything seem normal. And where is her guardian?"

Mrs. Han:
"I'm here doc, I'm the patient's mother."

"Oh, I see Ma'am. Can we please go outside and I'll explain the rest of her condition? "

Mrs. Han:
"Okay doc"

"By the way young man, she just need some treatment and rest so don't worry. She will be confined in the hospital for 2 days and she can go out by that time."

I feel so relieved, I'm so glad that it is not that bad but still looking at her wounds and bruises makes me cry. I don't want to see her suffering. Before the doctor left I said...

"Thank you doc, thank you so much! But can I ask of when will she wake up?"

"Oh, I don't know but maybe in a few minutes she will. Once she wakes up do make sure to not stress her out and give her lots of rest as possible. I'll be going then"

"Thank you and I will."

The doctor left with Mrs. Han and I'm sitting beside YoungJae waiting for her to wake up.

"That sure is good to hear"

Jungkook nodded silently and I can see him smiling with some tears, he sure loves and care for YoungJae so much. I'm happy for her, for having someone who really truly loves and care for her...

In a few minutes Jungkook's and YoungJae's friends came running to look for her and I signaled them the place. They all looked so worried but Taehyung was the one who got my attention the most.

"Where is YoungJae?"

"Is YoungJae alright?"

"MiNa! What happened to Youngjae?"

"Calm down guys, let MiNa talk"

"Thanks joonie and don't worry guys YoungJae is fine. She did got injured from the accident but nothing serious more than that."

"So where is she? Where is she...MiNa..."

Taehyung... I have never seen him worried like this before it looks like he is about to cry...

"She is behind that curtain and guys don't make so much noise, it will disturb YoungJae and the other patients here."

They all rushed to see her and was so shocked. They went near her and you can see in their face that they are so worried. Taehyung was the only one who did not come close to YoungJae. He just stared at the floor. What's with this...

"Guys! Y-you are here?"

"Of course we are! YoungJae is our friend so why shouldn't we visit her?"

"By the way jungkook are you okay?"

"Not really hyung but not as much as YoungJae...she should be the one you are worried for."

They all keep on talking, they all seem close. I kind of feel out of place here... really are lucky to have people around you.

I noticed YoungJae moving her fingers and slowly opened her eyes. They all looked so happy when she woke up.

"Y-youngjae? You are awake! Thank goodness you are awake"

"Wh-what am I doing here? Why is everyone gathered in one place? And... AHH! "

"Don't force yourself, you need to have rest."

"She is right YoungJae, have some rest first."

Taehyung is still standing in the corner, he seems happy tho seeing YoungJae.

YoungJae :
"No it's okay and wait...I- I got in an accident right?"

"Yes you did but don't think about it right now, just think about of getting well so you can be with us again. "

YoungJae did not respond and stared at me. What is it? Why is she staring at me?

"MiNa, can we have a talk? Just the two of us. Sorry guys but can you please go out, I have something to talk with MiNa."

I see that taehyung is also here. He sure is not looking good this days. Hope he and jungkook will resolve their fight soon...

"Umm...okay YoungJae."

They all left and only the two of us are left. I'm kind of nervous right now. Just what is that she wants to talk about right after waking up?

Hey guys! Hope you find this an interesting chapter and hope you vote and maybe even comment. Look forward for more chapters~

-To be continued

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