Chapter 8: Siblings?

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"Ahhh~my sleep feels so good, I have never felt like this for so long already."

I feel refreshed and this seems to be a good day for me. Maybe going out of the house would be good.

Oh yeah... about Seokjin, it's been a while since we were in contact. Maybe I'll ask him what he is up to this days.
Hey seokjin it's been a while!

MiNa! I've been wondering of what happened since you haven't been in contact the past week. I was kind of worried... I also heard that you are in Korea right now, so how is it?

Awww~ thank you jinnie, I appreciate it and don't worry, just... some things happened.

And yep so far I am loving it here the weather seems nice and I also heard you are also here right? I think we came the same day.

I hope its all good already and always be strong whatever problem you face. And no problem I will be always here so feel free to talk to me.

And we did! So where are you right now? In Seoul? Because I'm currently at Seoul.

Really...Thank you so much for everything my friend. And yeah I'm at Seoul too! Maybe we should meet often, it would be great!

By the way before I forget, do you have any appointment today? I was thinking of going around here since I'm not familiar yet and I don't want to get lost.

Yeah we should do it, but today? I'm sorry but I have some plans... sorry MiNa but maybe next time.

Oh... I see, don't worry jinnie there is always a next time. It's not like we are running out of time, let's just do it slowly.

Have to go now my dad is calling me for breakfast. Have a good day Jinnie~

I'm really sorry but I promise I will take you out to a nice place next time and enjoy your meal~ You should enjoy it so you won't end up getting fat, okay?

Thank you and make sure to not break your promise and fine I'm hungry already lol bye

This is my first time eating breakfast with the Jeon family, it was kind of weird and awkward. My dad tried to break the silence.

Mr. Choi:
"Umm... so how is the house Ms. Park? Is it to your liking?"

"Of course I love it, it's a very nice house. How about you son?"

"I have no complaints mom and Mr. Choi thank you for letting us stay here."

Mr. Choi:
"You are such a nice young man and no need to thank me. It's no question that you guys are living here. And call me Dad instead of Mr. Choi I would love it. "

"Dad! Stop with it already. It's not like you will really end up together"

Mr. Choi:
"MiNa I just noticed you have been losing your manners lately. And don't start with that topic again, okay? We have Junhee in here so be careful of your words."

"I'm really sorry of my daughter's behaviour. I'm at fault for not being able to handle her better. But don't worry Jungkook and little Junhee because she is a very nice noona and she is just hiding it. "

"I know Mr. Choi- I mean dad. She hides her true self but I know that deep inside, she is a nice person."

"I know that noona is nice... dad so I don't have to worry "

Mr. Choi:
Junhee said slowly while smiling
"Just look at our junhee~he is not only cute but also an understanding kid."

"Talking about the kids... Wouldn't you want for them as siblings to go out today? It will be also good for you MiNa to be familiar of the streets in here. My son jungkook would help to tour you around."

Mr. Choi:
"That's thoughtful of you Ms. Park. This would be a nice bonding time of them as siblings."

Hmm... Actually I don't want to follow what YunAh or whatever says but this is not really bad. I was originally thinking of doing this so...

"Okay Ms. Park, I would want to go and see the outside so this would be nice."

I went upstairs to change my clothes and since the weather is nice I decided to wear something nice and comfortable. (You can go see what I wore above) After we got ready we finally went out of the house. It's now cloudy and not that hot, just the right temperature to go out. We first went to the arcade, library, different kinds of shops, and then went to get rest at the park.

"Noona! Hyung! I want to eat some ice cream right now~"

"Okay, noona will buy you some, what would you like to eat?"

"I want strawberry! But I will buy it myself, I'm old enough and I can do it."

"Our junhee sure is independent but I will go with you. You don't know what might happen so I will just accompany you."

"How about you jungkook? What flavor do you want?"

"Maybe vanilla will be fine and junhee stick to noona, okay?"

"Got it! Come junhee hold my hand so we won't be separated."

There is quite a long line since it's now getting kind of hot. When it is finally our turn I bought the ice cream and I accidentally bumped into someone. I was startled since the ice cream got stained on his shirt.

"I'm really really sorry sir. I did not mean it, I will just wipe it off! Sorry again."

"No it's okay don't worry it was just an accident and it did not cause harm to me so I'm good."

"What happened here? And... taehyung?"


Wait... they know each other? And who is he? His expression does not seem like he just coincidentally saw his friend. What's with this... I don't know.

-To be continued

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