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"Don't give up, the beginning is always the hardest." -A fortune cookie

Hardships. We all have them. Whether it's losing your favorite book when you had just gotten to the good part or it's finding out that your parents adopted you...The world never keeps anyone from having hardships. But don't let that keep you from living.

Don't let the knowledge of disease keep you from becoming a doctor.

Don't let the knowledge of losing keep you from trying.

Don't let the knowledge of wrecking keep you from driving.

Don't let the knowledge of dying keep you from living.

Don't let the knowledge of hardships and the knowledge of how scary the world can get sometimes keep you from opening the door and breathing in the sunshine.

Don't let the fear of slipping keep you from walking.

Don't let the fear of opinions keep you from being yourself.

Don't let the fear of darkness keep you from dreaming at night.

Don't let the fear of being forgotten keep you from remembering.

Don't let the fear of falling keep you from flying and don't let the fear of heartbreak keep you from loving.

Don't give up before you've had a chance to give in.

This world was made for you, don't fear it...live it.

11 October 2017

//songs listened to writing this chapter//

Warriors- Imagine Dragons

When It's All Over- Raign

Flares- The Script

//4th chapter- October 11, 2017//



I'm so sorry for not uploading for almost a month...

That is my fault and my explanation includes personal details about my family that I cannot tell at this time. (this sounds so formal) ((it's because I feel bad))

My new schedule-

A chapter every Friday ((and maybe Sundays too... it just depends on my schedule))

Anyways much love,

The Author ((h.w)) xx

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