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        I've always wondered what Heaven would be like... It will always be one thing that keeps me up at night. But I don't think I want the same Heaven as everyone else. I think my Heaven would be here.

        My Heaven would be here, where ever that is, with you. It would be talking at 3 am because neither of us can sleep. It would be eating Chinese take-out or pizza every night because we're too lazy to make real food. It would consist of our own "sleepovers" because we never understood what those actually meant.

        My Heaven would be you telling me the dumbest jokes just to make me feel better. It would be you feeding Lana, the dog we both decided we wanted because I could never remember. It would be us smiling and laughing until we hurt. It would be waking every morning with you.

My Heaven won't be like everybody else's.

Because my Heaven is right now...in this moment...with you.

15 September 2017

//songs listened to writing this chapter//

"Saturn"- Sleeping At Last

The Night We Met- Lord Huron

Let's Hurt Tonight- One Republic

//3rd chapter- September 15, 2017//

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