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"What's a soulmate?"

We met when we were kids...You with your big dreams and bad hairdos. Me with my obnoxious personality and terrible ability of listening. We made plans. We made promises. We became best friends.

"It's like a best friend...but more."

You were never just a best friend. You were a home. You were a bridge. You were the bright umbrella on a rainy day. You were my family. You were my hero. You were my saviour. You were my lungs. You kept me alive every day. You saved me.

"It's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else."

I told you everything. You were my human diary. You knew everything about me. You knew me inside-out. You could ruin my life easily with everything you know about me. You know all of my little kid big dreams. You know all of my fears. You know what makes me cry, laugh, what makes me tick.

"It's someone who makes you a better person...

Actually, they don't make a better person..."

You slowly became me. I slowly became you. You became the kid who always spoke their mind. The kid that laughed at people's failures. You were no longer shy and timid. You were becoming who you thought you needed to be...and I fell in love.

"You do that yourself because they inspire you."

You became this person who I loved. I loved you because you finally became yourself. You embraced how smart you were. You embraced your weirdness. You blossomed into you who were supposed to be. You made me believe in the world again. You made me love myself again.

I became a better person because of you. I became myself.

"A soulmate is someone who you can carry with you forever."

You were my future. You were my first love. You were my first memory. You were my first adventure. You were my first heartbreak. You were my first change. You were my first chapter. You were my first journey. You were my first experience. You will be my example.

"It's the person who knew you and accepted you."

You accepted me from the beginning. Every little flaw. You accepted and taught me. You loved every little quirk I had and taught me how to love them as well.

"(They) believed in you before anyone else did...or when no one else would."

You believed in me. You believed in every dream. In every improbable plan. In every unannounced goal. In everything. You believed in me. You told me I was gonna make it. You encouraged everything I did. You wanted me to believe in myself as much as you did.

"And no matter what happens...You will always love them."

I will always love you. I may not always be in love with you. But I will always love you. When we're both off with our own kids, and our own futures. When we're both changing the world. When we're both surviving. When we're watching our own lives fade away. I'll always love you.

"Nothing can ever change that."

You might not have been my soulmate. In the vast infinity of impossibleness, it's most likely that we were not soulmates. But you will always be the closest thing I ever had to one. You were my family. You were my first love. You were my best friend. You were everything to me. I loved you.

26 November 2017

//no songs listened to writing today's chapter//

//11th chapter- November 26, 2017//

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