~Chapter 2- F.A.C.E Family~

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Author Note: Hello my lovely Reader-chan, I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter of this novel, so this is the next chapter.


America carried (Y/N) all the way to England's house, thinking to himself 'Why would her family a-band a little girl like (Y/N)? However, I would like to know how she got here and how long has she been by herself.'

Not even reasoning it, he walked into England's house without knocking and walking into the kitchen where France and England were arguing once again with Canada just eating his pancakes. 

 When England realised that America walked in, he told France to be a wanker somewhere else and start asking America questions.

"Where were you?"

"Getting burgers and saving a little girl," America responds looking at (Y/N).

"Oh my dear lord, what happened to her?" England asks being concern about the girl. 

"She was chased by some horny teenagers. Although, I do know she speaks French and English... well more French than English. The sad thing is that she is homeless and a banded." America says.

"How do you know she is speaking Français?" France asks.

"She said spoke some French words that I know like Thank you or my name is. Also Canada-bro thanks for teaching me some French!" America continued and thanked Canada.

"You're welcome," Canada whispers after that everyone went silent looking at the sleeping (Y/N). 

"So... What do we do with her?" England asks.

"Dudes, I don't know about you, but I brought her here so we could after her." America states.

"I wouldn't mind looking after the little Cherie," France says.

"I agree with, papa. She could be our little sister." Canada says. 

"Dude that idea sounds awesome! She could be our little sister, and we could be her big brothers!" America excitedly states.

"*Cough* Who would be her maman?" France asks.

"We'll let her choose because I don't know about Canada but England is the mom while France is the drag Queen dad," America says making Canada nod his head in agreement. 

"I hate you all," England says to them while France just laughs.

"HonHonHon~ England when did we get married?" France says, England looks at him and start beating the hell out of him.

"You Frog! I never married you! I would rather kill myself than marring you! If you kids believe I'm his wife were the fuck is my divorce papers!" England yells waking up (Y/N).

"Look what you have done England! You woke her up, and now she's crying!" France says to England, France pushed England away to help America with the crying (Y/N). 

America was capable of calming (Y/N) down saying it was England's fault. Once she entirely calms her down with no sniffles, America started introducing everyone, too (Y/N). 

"Hey (Y/N), you can be part of our family if you want," America says to (Y/N).

"M-M-Merci America.... I mean... Thank you, America." (Y/N) shutters.

"You weren't lying when you said she could speak French," Canada says, giving (Y/N) some pancakes to eat.

(Y/N) was quite nervous and sniff the food and looking at it like 'What is this? Is it eatable?' at America.

France x England x Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now