~Chapter 6 - Kirkland Brothers~

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Author Note: Hello dearest poppets! I hope you enjoyed the Awesome trio and Halloween but now its the *cough* 'Hot Siblings~' *Cough* I mean The Kirkland Brothers~ Enjoy it.


About a week after Halloween, it was a World Meeting day, but the thing is no one can look after (Y/N). America would look after (Y/N) but with the whole thing of spells in Halloween and now that (Y/N) started seeing fairies.... Canada wouldn't mind looking after (Y/N) but he was the host country for this world meeting so that was a not can do. France... This drag Queen looks after (Y/N) the most! He feeds her, cleans her, dress her, teaches her and love her with all his heart. He wouldn't mind looking after (Y/N) but he already missed too many meetings, and people were getting too noisy about it. England tried to help by dressing up as France but.... France was too... fabulous for him so yeah. The same thing happens with England he missed too many meetings as well. 

England looks at (Y/N) and to France then back to (Y/N). He just sighs like its a chore.... which wasn't, but he had nothing left to do. The only countries that don't go to the meetings were Scotland, Wales and Ireland... 

"France, I don't think, leaving (Y/N) with my brothers are a good idea," England says to him.

"Mon Cherie, what other choice do we have?" France says.

"Get an actual babysitter," England states bluntly.

"Non! You uncultured swine, babysitters, are too expensive and terrible at looking at children." France emphasised. 

"What is an uncultured swine, papa?" (Y/N) asks France. England looks at France with a smirk.

"Yeah Papa France, what is a uncultured swine?" England says.

"(Y/N), a uncultured swine are people like your Mother and America." France says getting eye level with her "And its a member of the society which is seen as an outcast, knows nothing, and lives under a rock."

"So, when you first met me I was a uncultured swine because I was homeless." (Y/N) states, trying to be smart.

"Ah.... Non. You are not an uncultured swine because you're just un enfant." France says.

"Okay." (Y/N) says leaving France and England by themselves.

"Babysitter," England says.

"Bothers," France says.

"Babysitter," England says.

"Bothers," France says.

"Babysitter," England says.

"Bothers," France says.

"Babysitter," England says.

"Babysitter," France says.

"We are going to take her to my brothers, and that's it!" England yells, leaving a pleased Frenchman.

"Okay, mon amour, whatever you say. I'm going to get (Y/N) ready to take her to your brother's house." France states leaving a dumbfounded England in the living room.

"HEY! YOU CHEATED!" England yells.

"Non. Its just pure intelligence which you don't have yet, mon black sheep of Europe." France says, England can tell he was smiling and he was just so close to killing him, but he promised Canada and America he wouldn't physically fight France in front of (Y/N).

"Hey, what does Mon amour mean?" England asks France chasing after him.

"My love," France says taking England's chin in his fingers and pulling his head upwards.

France x England x Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now