~Chapter 7 - First World Meeting~

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Author Note: So I forgot to bring my History research book to do it in Homework Club so.... I am going to use this time to write another chapter. Enjoy my lovely poppets.


Christmas is coming up soon, but it's not there yet because it's still late November. It's not even the first day of December, America took out the Christmas stuff up and started to sing Christmas songs. He was 100% off key but what could day do? France and England question why he turned out like this and not turned out to be Canada. They look at (Y/N) and Canada who were playing in the snow. 

(Y/N) accidentally summoned Russia when she went out into the snow but she forced him to have a snowball fight with her and Canada. 

England and France swear to God that this little girl is so weird, but they love her either way. She was a mix of England and France. She would have her flirtish and ladylike moment when she was with other guys her age, but she would be cursing people if angered. America and Canada didn't like her flirting with other guys because they don't want (Y/N) dating at such young age. You could call them protective older brothers. England and France could pick out why (Y/N) was related to Canada and America. There are moments that she would show she had super strength and there are moments she would be timid then hide behind her family. 

Currently (Y/N) came inside with Canada and America from a snowball fight. 

So this is how it happened, America was hanging the Christmas lights everywhere while (Y/N) was building a snowman with Canada. (Y/N) Wanted to have another snowball fight with Canada, so she got a ball of snow and aimed it upwards, Canada saw the snowball and dodged it. Let's just say that snowball hit America right in the back. All hell rain down upon down them, America just turned around slowly and looked at his siblings. 

"Who threw the snowball?" He asks slowly, Canada pointed at (Y/N) and (Y/N) pointed at Canada. 

"You both are going to die," America smirks, got a hell load of snow and started throwing it at them. (Y/N) pulled up a magical snow fort protecting Canada and herself from America's attacks. 

"We need a plan and fast," Canada says hearing America so calls hero laugh sounded like a villain was laughing.

"You can't hide behind that forever." America touted. 

"How about we use magic and throw millions of snowballs at the same time?" (Y/N) suggests showing her wand.

"That would be good, or we could hide in the forest if we get there in time before America notices," Canada says.

"Can we use that as a distraction?" (Y/N) suggests and nodded at the idea. 

(Y/N) got rid of the wall by turning it into median size snowballs that all were aimed at America while Canada and (Y/N) made their getaway. America looks up and swears to God that this is going to hurt which didn't really but instead, it was super cold as it went down his shirt and bomber jacket.

(Y/N) and Canada were laughing running into the forest, Canada knew it at the back of his hand but (Y/N) didn't know her Grand Frere it too well, so she decided to follow Canada.

After America recovered from the attack, he looked at the ground to find footprints. 

He started to laugh and say, "You got away this time, but I will find you!" 

Canada and (Y/N) could hear him, so they decided to hid in the trees, well more like Canada went into the trees and (Y/N) decided to fly. 

"Come out. Come out. Where ever you are." America evilly says. 

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