~Chapter 9 - (Y/N)'s 6th Birthday~

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Author Note: Sorry for not posting this sooner but I've been so busy with assessment, getting ready/ enjoying supernova and studying for exams... I forgot this existed. Oh well. Enjoy~


Its the early morning of (DOB), (Y/N) laid on her bed looking at the ceiling then at her birthday bracelet that her biological parents gave to her. Frowning at the jewellery around her wrist not enjoying the thoughts of her biological parents. She took off the bracelet not wanted to be reminded of how she was left alone on this extraordinary day. 

Never once celebrated her birthday and wanted to keep it that way, (Y/N) stayed in her room not wanted to get out at all but she knew that her adoptive family wanted her to come out of her room sometime... especially for food.

Looking towards the bedroom clock that had a picture of her adoptive family and her included in it. She remembers getting that for after three months living with her new family. Smiling at the watch but then remembers it was her birthday. 

Sighing she got up and got ready for the day hoping no one remembers it. 

~Meanwhile downstairs~ 

Canada was baking pancakes, America scoffing them down like there is no tomorrow while France tries his best to get a kiss from his lovely tsundere wife but fails at each attempt to the part the brothers got annoyed at it. 

Canada looks at America, and they just smiled evilly at each other. 

America went behind France while Canada went behind England and pushed them together so they could kiss which they succeeded. 

France and England were in a passioned kiss that America had to bring up something.

"Is that French kiss or what?" 

Canada looked at his brother like 'Bro really, you are asking that kind of question?' France and England separated from there kiss but before anything happened. (Y/N) came in with a smile on her face, even though on the inside she was dying. 

"Good morning everyone." (Y/N) says.

"Good morning, mon Cherie," France says scoping up (Y/N) into a hug. 

"Morning Kiddo," America says with a mouth full of food.

"Good morning poppet. Alfred! speak with an empty mouth!" England says then scolds America.

"Bonjour maple," Canada whispers serving pancakes for (Y/N) as France put her down. 

After breakfast, (Y/N) went straight to her room saying she wanted to clean her room but in reality, she just didn't want to face her family and tell them it's her birthday.

However, they knew it was her birthday. They wanted to give her a surprise birthday party, so they are treating her like it was Canada and his birthday when he was younger. 

Fixing up the living room for a party, France was cooking in the kitchen when England came in he realizes something was off about (Y/N).

"Hey, England is it me, or there is something wrong with the little Cherie?" France asks England.

"You sense it too?" England asks.

"Oui. Especially in her appearance there is less fabulous feeling towards it." 

"Hmm. Not only in (Y/N) appearance but also her vibrant use of magic that she usually has."

"Maybe we should ask her if she is okay." 

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