~Chapter 5- Awesome Trio!~

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Author Note: Hello lovely Reader-chan, I hope you have enjoyed the last chapter about the magic Trio, and now it's the Awesome trio turn to deal with (Y/N).


About a three months of (Y/N) learning magic it was Halloween already, and France was casually shopping with (Y/N). They were getting food and a Halloween costume for (Y/N) because her big brother promise to take her out for trick or treating while England and France dealt with Romania's Halloween party which is host in his country.

Although America knew he couldn't take care of (Y/N) by himself, so he asks his besties who have dealt with kids before like Denmark and Prussia..... Be practically called Denmark and Prussia to trick or treating with his little sister. The only people that knew (Y/N) was the younger sister of America, and Canada was Russia, Norway, Romania, Denmark, and Prussia. No one else knew because it was a secret and the F.A.C.E family threaten those that knew..... 

"Dude! Are you ready to go trick or treating with my little sister and me?" America asks Denmark and Prussia on a skype chat.

"How old is your sister?" Denmark asks.

"Five," America says.

"YOUR SISTER IS 5! I thought she was like in her 20's or something." Prussia says.

"Dude you're not allowed to date, my sister," America says threateningly.

"Bro Chill. Prussia was joking. Weren't you Prussia?" Denmark states.

"Ja. It's a joke. Don't you know a joke it?" Prussia asks.

"I know what a joke is but dating my sister is not a joke." America states.

"I feel sorry for your sister when she gets herself a boyfriend," Denmark says.

"Hey! I'm just protecting her! You will do the same thing if you have siblings." America states.

"True. I would tell Vest he is too young to marry people. He tried to marry Italy, and I told him he was too young." Prussia says understandingly.

"Ha.ha.ha. My family, I don't want to talk about it." Denmark laughs nervously.

"I feel like we're like the Asian countries no boyfriend until your married," America says trying to pull of a Chinese accent which failed. (Author Note: Sorry for the stereotype if you are from Asia.)

"America. No. Just. No." Prussia says. "That was so unawesome of you to do that."

"But it was funny though." America whines.

"No. We talked about this." Prussia says being the adult this situation. 

"Big Brother Prussia mode is activated," Denmark says.

"Shut it!" Prussia says. "Anyways, I've got to go. See you soon."

"Same here, see you soon America," Denmark says getting off after Prussia got off line.

At this same time, (Y/N) bust through the door with France right behind her.

"Big Brother save me from Papa!" 

"Hey, what did papa do this time?" America asks.

"He's trying to fix my hair, but I like it out." (Y/N) complains.

"Mon Dieu! You're faster than Matthew and Alfred combined." France says out of breath.

"Come on (Y/N); you need to fix your hair, or else demons can come after you for misbehaving," America says.

France x England x Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now