why is it so dark?

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"Oppa, I want the Pumpkin Spice Latte. No milk and lesser sugar, though. Dairy makes me bloat."

"Okay." Seongwoo could already hear his wallet crying. Of course Yoonji had to order the most expensive one.

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks! May I take your-- Seongwoo?"


The older male beamed even more, if that was possible. "How long has it been? Oh my god we have so much to catch up on."

"Three years-- I think. You still look as happy as ever."

"Of course. Positivity makes me younger." Jisung flipped his imaginary ponytail behind his shoulder, accidentally smacking the barista behind him.


"Oh-- sorry Jihoon!" He chuckled nervously, turning back to Seongwoo. "Anyways, may I take your order?"

"Ah, yes-- uh, one small latte and a Pumpkin Spice Latte. No milk, less sugar."

"No milk? I thought Daniel loved dairy?"

"Dani--" Seongwoo's throat contracted at the mention of that name.

He coughed. "We, uh-- we divorced five months ago."


"Seongwoo oppa, what's taking so long? The people behind are starting to get impatient."

Jisung's eyes widened at the sight of the newly-appeared female clutching onto Seongwoo's arm.

Seongwoo shifted away, trying to untangle her arms. "Y-Yeah, uh-- I'll be quick."

He looked up at Jisung, whose face had turned emotionless. "Hyu--"

"That'll be thirteen dollars."


"Thirteen dollars."

Seongwoo stared at him before sighing. "Fine."

He wriggled out of the girl's grasp, pulling out the bills and handing them over to Jisung.

The cashier pushed the receipt over to Seongwoo, before glancing away. "Your order will be out shortly. Please wait on the left."

Seongwoo's mouth opened, wanting to say something. But he eventually just let himself get pulled away by Yoonji.

Jisung took a look at him, before turning back.

You ungrateful rat.

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