Let's go home

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"Seongwoo-oppa, I know you don't mean what you sai--- what is this?"

Yoonji rambled on the moment she saw Seongwoo's face, but stopped in her tracks and zeroed in to his hand.

Seongwoo clenched his jaw and held Daniel's hand tighter when he felt like he was going to pull it away.


The female laughed, before staring at them anxiously. "Wh-What, what is this? Seongwoo-oppa, are you okay?"

She stomped forward, hands about to reached for theirs before Seongwoo pulled them up high so Yoonji couldn't reach them.

"Seongwoo-oppa! How could you!" Yoonji broke down in the apartment, leaning against the sofa.

"I mean what I said, Yoonji. Never a day passes in this relationship where I wonder what it'd be like to hold someone else's hand." Seongwoo kept his voice firm.

"You're--- not the worst person ever. Just that, I'm not the one for you, and I don't plan to continue a relationship that makes me feel like I'm only there for the sake of money."

Daniel looked down pitifully at the girl.

He then turned to look at Seongwoo, who signaled for the door.

With one last look over their shoulders, they left.


Ignoring the girl's cries, they stood at the doorway, hands intertwined.

"Everything's over, Daniel."

Seongwoo pulled him into his embrace.

"It's all finally over."

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