Zane in paradise

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Your POV

I stared out of my window at the rain and sighed deeply. It had only been two days since the left Love love paradise and the only thing that happened was rain. I couldn't go outside at all because the security, at least that's what they called themselves, told everyone to stay inside and shelter until the 'storm' was over. That's just stupid. Even Guy 'the guy-de' said so, of course he used puns and then he disappeared again. Anyways, day two had already started for me and I could already tell it was going to be boring. I didn't have reception at all, so I couldn't call Aphmau or anyone else.
I groaned and rolled off of my bed. After almost falling I went to the door and left my nest. What I did know was that there was television, so that was my plan B.. or rather plan C. My plan B was to see how much food I could stuff in my mouth but Cornelia took most of the candy with her and I wanted to enjoy Katie's last pancakes at least a little bit.
As I walked down the stairs I noticed how lonely I really felt. There wasn't any music playing, nobody was cooking or watching television... yeah, really lonely. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal, even though it was afternoon. But who was here to tell me not to do that! I can eat cereal in the afternoon as much as I possibly can. Who's hear to judge anyways? I jumped down on the couch and grabbed the remote when I suddenly heard a strange noise coming from behind me.
"Booooooooo" I heard and straightened again.
After looking around I noticed.. nothing. That scared me more than something actually. I frowned and looked back at the television. I yelped in surprise when I saw Laurence and Garroth in front of it. I dropped my bowl too..
"Garroth! Laurence! What are you doing here?! How did you get here?!" I exclaimed and got up once more.
"We've been here for awhile." Laurence chuckled.
"We wanted to keep you company so we snuck out but... that did not end as we thought it would." Garroth explained.
"Oh no. What did you do?" I asked cautiously.
"It's not something we did! More like, they found out." Garroth replied.
"Who found out?" I asked, still cautious.
"Hiya (Y/n)!" Travis said from beside me.
I yelled in surprise and tripped over the bowl of cereal. Before I fell Travis managed to catch me. He looked at me with his emerald green eyes and smirked.
"Nice~" he chuckled and squeezed my butt.
"Travis!" Garroth and Laurence both exclaimed.
I quickly slapped him and shuffled away from him. "S-so the three of you came here for me?"
"Actually, we all came." Laurence said.
I blinked in confusion and turned around. What I saw were.. well, everyone. Aphmau, Katelyn, Dante, Lucinda, Zane, the whole group!
I opened my mouth to say something when Lucinda started speaking.
"I know what you're going to say; Oh my god! You guys are amazing! Now I won't be lonely anymore!" Lucinda said and giggled. "It was all my idea."
"Hey! It was not your idea!" Zane protested and glared at her.
"Actually, that wasn't what I was going to say" I said getting their attention once more. "What I was going to say was... how in the name of Irene did you get in here?!"
Aphmau giggled. "The window." She replied.
"all of my windows are closed!" I said.
"Well then.. you'll never find out hehe!" Kawaii-chan said and smiled.
"You guys are creeping me out ..."
"We'll be happy we came. This storm doesn't seem like it'll rest any time soon." Dante said.
"So, what are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"We're here to PARTY!" Katelyn cheered excitedly. "Get those potato chips and cookies!"
I chuckled. "Alright then. We only have one problem."
"Hold your horses... my lady, we brought snacks and drinks." Laurence interrupted me.
"We thought Cornelia would take all your snacks." Aaron informed. "So we took some with us." he lifted the bags he was holding.
"You guys...." I started.
"Spare those!" Katelyn said. "Let's get partying!"

Garroth turned to us, he sat kneeled down in front of the television holding a few DVD cases.
"So, Queensman, Slimliners, Elder Driver orrrr Destroyers of the Galaxy?" He asked and looked at us.
I hummed "Elder Driver." I said.
"No way! Destroyers of the Galaxy!" Laurence protested.
"I agree with Laurence." Dante agreed.
"Hmm... Elder driver." Aphmau said.
"Yeah! Elder Driver!" Katelyn said and Kawaii-Chan nodded.
"Elder Driver it is then" Garroth said, ignoring Laurence and Dante's groans.
I giggled and shuffled closer to Laurence to make more space for Garroth to sit. I felt the brown haired boy's arm slid around my shoulders and blushed slightly.
"Comfy, princess?" He whispered.
"S-shut up..." I breathed and looked at the screen.
We watched all the movies the group had brought and afterwards we played a few game. Soon it turned night and everyone started getting tired. So we just decided to talk a bit. I was sitting with Katelyn and Kawaii-chan on the couch when Zane walked over.
"Hey (y/n), can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked.
I looked at him and nodded. "Sure!" I said with a smile.
I got up and followed him up the stairs. He turned to me when we reached the top.
"So, you wanted to talk?" I said and smiled.
"Y-yeah.." Zane said.
His mood somehow changed, somehow he seemed shy and nervous while only a few moments ago he spoke out his mind about paprika chips and salty chips as if it was the world.
I tilted my head when he stayed quiet and decided to start the conversation.
"I heard it was your idea to come here, thank you for that." I said and smiled brightly.
"No problem..." Zane said and avoided my gaze.
I frowned and tried to catch his eyes, "are you okay?" I asked worriedly.
"N-no.. it's just.." he sighed, "when I saw you with Laurence... I couldn't help but feeling a little jealous." He admitted softly.
I blinked "Zane.. there's no need to be jealous." I said. "I mean.."
"You still haven't thought of it?" Zane looked at me. "Have you?"
I sighed,  "no... I-"
"Please choose" Zane interrupted me. "I know, I... we should give you time to think but please.. it hurts to.." he sighed again "wait.."
"Zane .. I really didn't think that you liked me like that." I admitted.
"Really? I thought it was obvious... but if not.. how about I prove you I really like you." The black haired boy said.
"Prove? How-?"
He placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled his scarf down. Before eventually lowering and pressing his lips on mine. I blinked and turned red before eventually kissing back. It felt strange... very strange...

Another chapter done! Yay!
I hope you enjoyed it! I know I did, heh! Just kidding!
See you in the next chapter!
Bye bye!


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