Chapter 6 - Queen bee

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Chapter 6

I don’t know if the world was designed to hate me. Even if it wasn’t, it had a very funny way of showing that. It had been exactly three days since Mr. Chariziyo, our calculus professor officially crowned me as Abigail’s tutor. Exactly three days since she spoke to me or me to her. Three days of her running in the opposite direction every time she saw me in the hallways. I felt like a yeast infection. Gross.

“What is the probability that you get laid this year?” Nate spoke from behind me.

We were currently waiting for Diana near the parking lot. I had already narrated the whole incident to both of them. Well, being the awesome friends that they are they both burst out laughing at the end.

 I had decided to skip going to my place and just go over to Nate’s for movie night. I could just borrow clothes from him. Nate was a good three inch shorter than me but both of us had the same build, so the height didn’t make a huge difference.

“Negative six times infinity” said a familiar voice. We both turned around to find Diana strutting towards us. Diana was as tall as me, dark brown eyes, slightly tanned skin, curves at the right place but still single. She dated some Jock for a year before she found out that he cheated on her, well things got pretty bad and in the end he had to be hospitalized. A violent Diana is like the mafia all combined into one.

“Well, I wouldn’t stoop so low” I spoke, trying to sound agitated but failing miserably.

“You know she is right” responded Nate, “As a matter of fact what is the probability that you will even be kissed this year?”

I wasn’t always like this. An anti-social moth. I had my fair share of parties and making out and well a lot of stuff. I had a steady girlfriend who loved me; well I thought she loved me. But they say right nothing remains forever and as predicted nothing did last forever.

“I can…..” but before I could complete my sentence another voice interrupted me.

“Hey” The sound came from behind me. I turned around to find Abigail standing, clutching her bag tightly and her gaze directly at me.

 Nate spoke “Well, I think this year might just be your year” in a voice low enough that only I could hear it. I rolled my eyes.

“We’ll give you both some privacy” spoke Diana and gripped Nate by his arm and dragged him towards the parking lot but not before I could hear him say “but I want to be there when Jake makes a fool of himself”

“Hi” was all I could come up with.

“Ummm….. “She seemed nervous. Her hand tightening around her bag every time she opened her mouth. She was practically the queen bee of this school and she seemed nervous to talk to ME.



“Do you need something?”  I spoke with what seemed like a bored tone. But I knew well enough the reason for her unwarned visit.

“When are you free?”


“When are you free? Are you deaf?!”She spoke with annoyance etched in her voice. And the queen bee was back to her normal self.

“Why do you want to know?” I responded with the same amount of frustration.

“Well, being a geek I thought you would have a better memory, but anyways you are supposed to tutor me in calculus. Remember!”

“Good luck finding a tutor with that attitude” I spoke and walked away without a backward glance.


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xoxo N 

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