Chapter 2 - Family

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Abigail got up with a bad hangover, not because of drinking, in fact she didn’t drink at all last night but it was a Dylan hangover.

After they kissed last night, Dylan wanted to take things further but Abigail wasn’t ready for it. Abigail wasn't a virgin, she lost her virginity at the age of 16 to a guy she thought she loved but turned out that he just wanted to get in her pants, so from then on she decided that she was going to sleep with a guy only when she is completely head over heels in love. That angered Dylan which led to a fight and he stormed out of her place. She was angry as well, she too has a choice, it’s not like whenever Dylan is horny she can just satisfy his needs.

She didn’t want to get out of bed. She knew if she gets up she will have to face Dylan at one time or another and she just couldn’t handle that today. All she wanted was a little space, a little time out.

She just wanted stay in her bed forever or atleast for today.

Just a hot cocoa, her blanket and her DVD series of teen wolf  was all she needed to make her day but that was not possible. She had to get on with life, she had to face Dylan and get it over with.

I wish i had a guy like stiles, thought Abigail.

So she forced herself up and dragged her skinny body all the way to the bathroom, brushed, took a shower and freshened up.

She wore the first pair of jeans and top she could find, pulled her hair up into a high ponytail, put a little lip gloss, some mascara and eye shadow and left for school.

Even though Abigail was a popular kid in school she didn’t care much about her looks, she hardly put any make up except for parties or any event, dressed as her heart felt and still she was one of the prettiest girl in school that ever guy dreamed about. And she was proud of it.


Jake was tired, he didn’t get much sleep after yesterdays episode. He locked all his memories into one corner of his brain. He got up rubbed his eyes with one hand while the other searched for his glasses on the nightstand. As soon as he got a hold of his glasses he put them and looked around. Disappointment hit him, he knew he wasn’t in his room, everyday he sleeps with the hope that when he gets up everything will go back to the way it was and he’ll end up in his room, his house, near his parents, his brother…….

Well today wasn’t that day.

He forced himself up and into the bathroom, splashed some water on his face and thought about what his real family would be doing now if bad luck hadn’t struck them three years ago.

He knew his parents would probably be making pancakes while flirting among themselves, his parents were married for 20 years but their spark never dimmed, not even for a day, he always hoped to be like them one day. And His little brother would still be sleeping. Luke was just two and a half years younger to him.

Jake would you please wake your brother up, or else you’ll are gonna be late for school”  Lily screamed from the kitchen.

“MOM! Why do I have to wake him up always?” replied Jake

“Because he is your little brother and he looks up to you my son” interrupted his Dad.

 And that did it, Lily and Robert burst out laughing like there was no tomorrow.

“Very mature dad, very mature”

Jake came down the stairs to grab the last box of orange juice before waking up his brother. But instead he got to see his mom and dad kissing in the kitchen while cooking pancakes.

“Ewwwwww gross! Get a room”

“Ya right! Says who Fabio” replied Robert while lily giggled like a child. Jake grabbed the last box of juice and with a wicked smile wished his parents good morning, gave both of them a peek on their cheek and went up the stairs to wake up his little brother.

“LUKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…… wakey wakey…….”

Jake smiled at the memory but he had to stop thinking about them, or else he will be stuck in that moment forever and that he knew. He needed to move on.

He freshened up and started getting ready for school; he heard a knock on his door.

“Knock knock” spoke Nate peeking through the door.

“I hope you have your pants on Jake” joked Nate

This made Jake smile. He hadn’t smiled since days

“So Jake I spoke to Uncle Scott; he told me what happened last night…”

Jake interrupted him; “don’t Nate. PLEASE just don’t!” He didn’t want to talk about it especially after he shut them down and Nate understood that. He could see the hurt in Jake’s eyes.

“Jake you know Im here for you right, you can talk to me”

“Ya I know Nate, but I can’t…… not now” tears were trickling down his eyes.

“I’m here for you Jake, I always will” replied Nate with a hint of sadness in his voice.

 Jake was glad to have Nate in his life, he understood Jake when no one did. He was the only family Jake really had left other than uncle Scott.

“Anyways Jake get ready, or else we gonna be late. I’ll wait by the car with Diana”; saying that Nate left the room.

Jake got ready in a minute and left, he didn’t want to face his Aunt in the morning after the episode last night, so he thought of leaving without breakfast.


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Glossary : Stiles is a character from teen wolf

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