Chapter 3 - Prank

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Jake was almost near the door when he heard his Uncle call him, and he knew he couldn’t ignore his Uncle after all that Scott had done for him.

“Jake where are you going without breakfast? Come and sit here mister, you are not going out of this house without putting something inside that body of yours”

Anna and Sara giggled, they were Uncle Scott’s only children, Anna was 6 years old while Sara was the younger one and was 3 years old. Both were the most adorable kids ever. Anna and Sara loved Jake like a real brother.

Jake sighed. He went into the kitchen against his will. As soon as he came into view, Anna and Sara jumped on him, while he picked them both up with ease.

“Jakeyyyyyyy, good morning!” both the girls screamed in unison.

“Hey my pretty girls, good morning” greeted Jake and kissed both of them on their cheeks. Seeing them early in the morning, their smile, their laugh, their innocence was the only thing that kept him going through the day.

“Jake come on sit, your Aunt’s made pancakes” interrupted Scott

“It’s okay Uncle Scott; I’ll just have something on the way to school.”

“Anna could you please tell Jake to sit and have breakfast with us” Scott spoke to Anna

Anna did as her father told her to do. “Jakeyyyyyyy, please sit with us and have breakfast”.  Scott knew Jake wouldn’t deny her.

All of them were interrupted by Jadie’s voice, who entered the kitchen with some plates in her hand.

“If he wants to go just let him go.”

“JADIE!” screamed Scott but not too loud for the girls to hear.

“WHAT! Why do we have to carry his burden, if he doesn’t want to eat then why force him to, anyways more for us only right!” spoke Jadie calmly like this wasn’t hurting Jake at all.

Jake couldn’t take it anymore. The hole in his heart started to get bigger. He knew he had to leave before another argument begins between his Uncle and Aunt because of him. And he didn’t need another reason for his Aunt to hate him even more, if that’s possible. He is still curious as to why Jadie hates him so much even when he loves her unconditionally and he didn’t want to pile on that.

So he did what was right. He left.

“Good morning Aunt Jadie, I’m sorry for all the trouble” that’s all Jake said before he marched out the door waving the girls goodbye.

As soon as he was out the door, he took a deep breath but didn’t move, in fact he couldn’t move, he just stood there silently.

 He could still hear the argument going on inside the house. He tried to shut it out.

He was not sure whether he could handle school anymore but he had to.


After the morning drama Jake and Nate left for school. They drove in Nate’s car, Nate’s parents were very generous and they loved their son with all their heart. Nate was the only child. Nate’s mom Janet Ruviera had a miscarriage while she was carrying her second child, after that the doctor said that she couldn’t give birth anymore, or else today Nate would be having a younger sister. Nate’s parents Janet and Gavin Ruviera treated Jake as their own child; they even offered him a room in their house in case things got difficult at home.

Jake was deep in his thoughts recalling today morning, he was deciding on whether he should take up on Nate’s parents offer. He really didn't want to burden Jadie......His thoughts were interrupted by Diana’s voice. Diana was Nate's cousin. She grew up along with Nate and Jake. She knew most about Jake's past as well, she wanted to know more but never got the chance to.

“So Jake today is your day of picking the movie?”

Jake neither told Nate nor Diana about this morning’s situation.

“Hmmmm….what?....which movie?” Jake replied with confusion.

“Were you not listening? Today is Friday; Nate’s parents are out of town!”

Nate, Diana and Jake had this tradition of having a sleepover everytime Nate’s parents go out of town.

“Hey Jake are you alright, you seem kinda lost there?”  Nate interjected with a concerned look on his face.

“Ya okay! Il get the movie” Jake replied ignoring Nate’s question.

After reaching school, Jake shot out of the seat waved Nate and Diana goodbye and went straight to his locker leaving both them confused.

He knew in order to empty his mind he had to get his books. Books were his therapy; they were the only thing that could calm him. And he needed them now the most. His first period was calculus; He opened his faceless locker in search for his calculus notes and before he could react foam came rushing down his locker. He stepped back before it could fall on his clothes and that’s when he heard all the laughter around. He didn’t even have to think twice to know who the culprit for the stupid prank was. DYLAN.


Abigail reached school with the hope of getting things straight with Dylan. But before that she needed Laila. She went towards her locker hoping that Laila would be there and she was right. She saw Laila leaning against her locker with no care in the world. The thing that Abigail loved about Laila was that she was always true; she spoke her mind and always gave honest opinions. Laila was also one of the prettiest girls in school, she had a perfectly curvy body which made guys drool, her eyes were the perfect green orbs, cut-short blonde hair, she didn’t have any piercings or any tattoos she respected her body like a temple and she considered tattoos as an infection.

“Hey babe wassup, you seem like you want to talk” greeted Laila

Abigail never understood it but whenever she was in trouble or was tensed Laila always sensed it. Like as if she was a psychic.

“I have no idea how you do that but I want to learn it” replied Abigail

Laila ignored that and continued, “Well, your huffy Buffy macho boy foamed the locker of that nerd Jake again”

“Tell me something new” Abigail sighed; she was fed up of Dylan’s childish behaviors. Everytime she mentioned that to him he would just brush it off. “I don’t know why he enjoys bullying that nerd. I know he’s a nerd and all but still.”

They were both interrupted by the thud of the bell.

“We better get to class abi or else we are going to have bigger problems than Dylan”

“Mr. Chariziyo” Abigail responded with irritation.


heylooo wattpaders





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