We are what?!?

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Annie's POV:
My life is perfect. I am currently level 9 in gymnastics. I love right down the street from my best friend Katie. Katie has been my best friends since 1st grade. She stood up to me when I was being bullied on the playground by the "popular" girls at recess. Even though she stood up for me my mom decided it was best for me and my sister to take home school. My family consists of my mom,dad, sister Haley, and myself. I had an older brother Caleb. Sadly 2 years ago he was loosed to an undetected heart condition. He was and still is my rock. Whenever I feel lost or need someone to talk too that isn't even Katie, I pray to my brother. Although times are hard without him, my life is pretty great. Just then my mom called Haley and I to come downstairs.

AM- Annie's mom/ H-Haley/ A- Annie

AM:  Kids I have some big news to tell you...
H&A: What is it mommy?
AM: Well you see... Annie you know how you always wanted to start a career in singing?
A: Yes.
AM: And Haley how you always wanted to become a dancer?
H: Yes mom.
AM: Well, your Dad and I have figured out a way to let both of you reach your dreams, we are moving to LA!!!
H: Oh my god, actually yay!
A: We are what?!?
AM: Yup that's right kids we are moving to LA next Monday so you have less then a week to start packing!
  Annie thought to herself. Is this actually happening? Or is this just a dream? She always wanted to be a singer but to reach what she wants in life she is going to have to leave her best friend Katie behind. Oh no she thought to herself.

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