Time to break the news

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Annie's POV:
Today is the day I break the news to my best friend. Today is the day I tell my best friend Katie Donnelly I am moving across the country to LA for the rest of my life. I don't know how to use the courage to tell her...because in the end I know we will both be heart broken.

Over text between Katie and Annie

Annie: hey katie
Katie: hey Ann's what's up
Annie: nothing really umm do you think I could come over and hang for a little
Katie: ya and of course
Annie: ok be there in 5
Katie: ok see you soon!!

Back to Annie's POV:
" Mom I will be right back I am going over to Katie's to tell her we are moving" Annie shouted well making her way down the stairs. " Ok honey just be back for dinner". Wow be back for dinner. I slammed the front door shut. It seems like all my mom cares about is to be back for dinner, be packed, when I am nervous to see my best friend reaction when I tell her I am leaving her. I walked down our cracked pavemented road kicking a rock as I walked along. The ground was wet from the slight drizzle. I took as slow as I possibly could to get to her house. Finally I reached the tall yellow house at then end of the corner. I walked up the slippery front steps and rang the door bell. I heard foot steps running to the door. There stood opening the oak door stood my best friend Katie with a huge smile on her face...when I knew that smile would not last for long.

Katie's POV:
It felt like it took Annie ages to get to my house today. It is usually at most a 5 minute walk. She usually takes 2 minutes because she is usually in such a rush to tell me big news. I finally heard the doorbell after waiting impatiently for my best friend to get here. I ran too the door and opened it too see a teary eyed Annie. I was so confused. Really the only time Annie cries is when she is hurt or when she has lost someone close to her. At that moment I knew something was wrong. I told Annie to come in and take a seat in my room. She wasn't quiet talking and she looked really pale. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed her a cup of water and sat her down on my bed. " Annie what's wrong?" I asked her with concern. " I....I...I..." Annie responded " you what Annie" I said back growing impatiently. "I'm moving" she finally got out. I stood there shocked. " Your what?" I asked for reassurance. " I am moving, to Los Angles to achieve my singing career " Annie stated. "Your kidding right?" I asked. " I would like to say I was Katie" Annie said with a sad look on her face. By this point Annie and I were drenched in tears. " When are you leaving." I asked Annie. "Next Monday" she responded. " That's in three total days". " I know" she said looking down at her feet. " Annie I...I...I don't know what to say. Your my best friend... everything was just starting to click. We were the best friends in school everyone was jealous of and wanted to be. Who am I going to go to when I have a problem?" I said with sadness in my voice. " Katie I still am going to be your best friend. I am just going to have to be your best friend that will be on the other side of the country. You can still come to me with any problem. Whatever you need I am here. People are still going to be in awe over our friendship because we always find a way for it to work" Annie said confidently. Annie looked at her phone. " Well I hate to say this but my mom said I have to be home for dinner so I should probably get going" Annie said with great sadness in her voice. I embraced Annie into a long hug. I asked her to not replace me with someone new from LA and to stay my best friend. Annie's said that no one could replace me ever. As we let go of our hug Annie said "remember , this is not a goodbye hug, this is a see you later hug". And with that said Annie opened the door to my house and closed it. I looked out the window to see her off. I watched her walk off into sight until she was no longer able to be seen, and just like that, my best friend was gone.

802 words!!!! Sorry this chapter was wicked long and especially Katie's POV it was just I wanted you to see it from her eyes and her perspective. Hope you guys liked it!

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