Chapter Ten: There's more than meets the Eye

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As usually, Sam was on his laptop doing research while Dean and Cas were scrolling through the channels to find something to watch. Crowley on the other hand has been MRA since they went to see the dead body. They didn't care much about Crowley but it would have been nice to know if he's going to help out anymore or not. "You would think they would have something decent on there." Dean droned. "Well you're not looking hard enough Dean. We could have at least watch the news and see if those detectives found out anything else on the case." Cas snarled back at him with annoyance. "Cas is right Dean. We might as well get the heads up of what's going on." Sam agreed with their fellow angel. "Alright, fine. At least give me a minute." Dean said in response while switching through the channels.

He finally found the news channel and the boys watched from where they were sitting at. Observing the reports to see if they're going to mention anything about Mindy. "Alright folks you have all been waiting for updates on the tragedy of Mindy Castro. Take it away Victoria."
"Thanks Charles. It has been a week since the death of the young supermodel, Mindy Castro, there hasn't really been updates but however apparently the FBI is helping our local detectives, Sherlock Holmes and his assistant John Watson."
"Well that's new." Dean said sarcastically.

Sam sigh in disappointment. This case is taking us nowhere he thought to himself. Was traveling all this way for nothing? The research he was doing on Mindy was no help either. There was really much about her just a teenage girl doing teenage things and getting spoiled while doing it. Just then his phone vibrated, telling him that he just got a text. Huh? I wonder whose texting me? He grabbed his phone and looked at the text message.

I know what you are

Wait, what?! Who the hell send this text. Maybe it's spam or something. Just then he gets another text from the same phone number.

Your not FBI agents that's for sure.

"Um, Dean."
"Yeah, Sammy. What is it?"
"Someone is texting me saying that they know we aren't FBI agents."
"Maybe is just that Fall girl just messing with you."
"No Dean. Autumn would be texting me about anything else. I gave her my card."
"Yeah and you gave her your real name Cas. Nice going by the way."
"Are you being sarcastic?"
"Guys. This isn't the time to be messing around here. Someone is trying to figure out who we are."

Btw these is Sherlock Holmes. In case you were wondering who was texting you.

"It's Sherlock that's texting me."
"First of all, why would he be texting you instead of calling you? And second of all, he knows NOTHING about us okay? Like sure in the movies he shows us that he's a super genius or whatever but there is absolutely no way in hell there is a real guy like that. Besides how would he know that we are not FBI agents? Text him back and see what he saids."

Hello Sherlock. Why do you think we're not FBI agents? Just out of curiosity...

Well for starters you may look the way you do and have the badges for it but the badges look fake. FBI agents don't go into investigations about a supermodel. Don't really see how that would interest people like you unless you have some sort of crush on her or something. Another thing is your questioning skills. FBI agents wouldn't be asking about sulfur. That just seems quite ridiculous and weird to ask. Have you ever been to a crime scene before or have any experience whatsoever?

"What did he say?" Dean asked his brother. While the two brothers were trying to figure out this whole situation, Castiel was in a whole other world. Castiel was focusing more on the news to see if they were anymore updates.
"Oh. I just got the word that the Teens magazine company has decide to throw in a Disney themed fashion show dedicated towards the late Mindy Castro and her beloved family for her love of fashion and Disney."

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