Chapter Six: Two can play This Game

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Sherlock Holmes and John Watson were at the back of the taxi heading straight towards the morgue as well to look at the body. John was just staring at the scenery as Sherlock was texting away to who knows who. John was suddenly disturbed by his phone ringing whenever he gets a text.

He took his phone out of his pocket to look at the message and from who. It was from Mycroft. Huh. I wonder what does Mycroft wants. John was reading the text message quietly to himself and he couldn't believe what he just read. I wonder if Sherlock knows about it? Well, of course he's going to know about it. It's bloody hell Sherlock Holmes for crying out loud. I mean he's going to find anyway but still I want to know his opinion on the matter at least.

"So, are you going to ask me the question or not?" Sherlock droned while he was texting. "Of course you would know." John stated sarcastically. Sherlock raised his eyebrow in response. "So, are you going to tell me what my brother texted you or what?"
"Why on earth would I tell you if you already know the answer? It makes no sense."
"Can you at least tell me for goodness sake John."
"Fine. Your brother informed me that we just got the Mindy girl's body to the morgue just now. Which doesn't make sense how it took 6 hours long just take to just to go pick up the body you know. It just doesn't add up." "Unless..."
"Unless what Sherlock?" "Think John. I can't always all the questions about the cases. Sometimes it gets boring. Entertain me with that brain of yours John."

John was put on the spot just like that. I can't just come up with a hypothesis on what happened to the girl without physical evidence right in front of me. Now let's think about this. So, the body was found in morning but it took them almost the entire day to receive the body and move it to the morgue. But why is that thought? Well that is the question Sherlock wants me to figure out. Unless...oh god...

"Do you have some sort of idea John? I want to know what's going through that little of head of yours."
"Yes I do actual... My head is not that little. Anyway, I was thinking that maybe it has to do with the Teens magazine company keeping it hostage until further notice."
"Get to the point John."
"Sherlock? Are they doing a photo shoot on the dead girl? Like are they actually putting makeup on her and dressing her up in outfits and such?"
"I believe so John."
"Oh my god. Why would they do this to this poor girl's body like that?! It's awful. I wonder what her parents are going to say about this."

As the taxi slowed down to a sudden stop, they both realized that they made it to the morgue. "I think I'm going to be sick."

Meanwhile, the Winchesters, Cas, and Crowley were also in a taxi, driving back to the airport to pick up the Impala.

"I can't believe you actually brought my baby back to me Crowley." Dean thanked him as he was jumping all over his seat.
"Well yes your welcome Squirrel for getting your precious car back."
"How did you get Dean's car here anyway?" Sam asked.
"Like I said I have connections from all over. And don't you forget it." as Crowley gave him a cheeky wink.
"What kind of car are you bringing back sir if I my ask?" The taxi driver questioned Dean who was in the passenger seat while Sam, Crowley, and Castiel were squished together in the back. "Well let me tell you my good sir that it is a 1967 Chevy Impala." Dean happily explained towards the driver. The driver replied with a good ol whistle.
"Man she sounds like a beauty."
"That she is."
"Here's a tip. Drive on the left side of the road. You are in new territory my friend. Where we British folk drive on the left side not the right okay? Trying to get you guys in an accident here."
"Thanks for the tip man."
"Don't mention it."

As their conversation came to an end, they made it to the airport. Dean quickly got out of the taxi to go get his precious car back into his hands. Sam thanked the taxi driver and gave him a tip as the rest of them got out and waited for Dean.

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