The Deal

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SilverShadow flew behind a tree so Silvia could listen to the chief and the captain. "Same time tomorrow?" Asked the chief. "You got enough dragons?" The captain asked. "Of course!" The chief said with a laugh. "Then I'll see you tomorrow" said the captain calmly as he turned away and climbed aboard his ship.

Silvia landed SilverShadow on the dock once everyone had gone. "What was all that about?" Asked Luca as he landed WaveCrusher next to SilverShadow.
"It seems they have a deal." "A deal?" "Yes a deal. By the sounds of it every dragon that gets caught at Fire Heart the chief sells to the dragon hunters." "How is he so sure that he will have enough dragons?" "I don't know, we need to take a closer look at this. Come with me, I know where we can stay" Silvia said as she led them into a tunnel leading under the island. Once inside the tunnel they stopped and got ready to spend the night there. "These tunnels run everywhere under the island, no one comes down here so we will be safe" said Silvia as she pulled a blanket over herself.

The next morning Silvia left Luca with the two dragons while she sneaked into the village. Silvia made her way to the hut where her mother lived. Silvia opened the door and snuck inside. Cece came down the steps and saw Silvia. Her mouth dropped, she ran and hugged her daughter. "Where have you been?" Cece Asked through tears and lots of kisses. Silvia sat down and told her mother everything while she drank some hot tea. "So I need to stay and figure out what's going on here" Silvia finished explaining. "Of course. Come and visit me and I'll cover for you if anyone says anything" Cece told her. "Thank you mother!" Said Silvia as she hugged her mother a last time before making her way back to the tunnel.

Silvia covered her face with the mask of razor-cloth and lay low on SilverShadow's back so she was out of sight as they flew around Fire Heart with the rest of the dragons that were attacking. All the dragons came and attacked at the same place. They didn't even take any food, they just burnt the huts, attacked the vikings and clawed at the ground in the centre of Fire Heart. This had happened as long as Silvia could remember, it had always seemed normal therefore she never questioned it before, but now it seemed strange and unusual for a dragon's behaviour. They flew over the centre of Fire Heart, then suddenly SilverShadow dived down and landed on the ground. She burnt the ground and clawed at it like every other dragon around them. Silvia tried to get her to fly away, but she had lost control. SilverShadow started lifting rocks and throwing them aside as if she was trying to get to something. A bunch of vikings ran towards them and started firing arrows. All the other dragons were hit and taken away, but Silvia quickly gained control of her dragon again and they flew away unharmed.

Silvia and SilverShadow sat behind a rock in the secret dock that night. As promised the dragon hunters came as did the chief. Once again the chief sold the dragons to the captain. And sure enough, they were the same dragons that were caught earlier when they were clawing the ground. "Same time tomorrow?" Asked the chief. "Haven't you ran out of dragons by now?" Asked the captain. "Never! I have a way to make sure they'll always come!" The chief grinned. "I thought they attacked you?" "Well, they have a little help with the reason to attack." "What's your secret?" "You got what you wanted, now stop questioning me and leave before I change my mind!" "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow" said the captain before he walked away. The chief also left, leaving Silvia and SilverShadow alone in the darkness. "Something smells fishy here and I'm not just talking about your breath" Silvia told SilverShadow and they flew back. She went back to Luca in the tunnels and told him everything. "So what are we going to do?" Asked Luca. "Tomorrow we go with the dragons and see what they're after" Silvia said as she curled up under SilverShadow's wing and went to sleep.

The next morning Silvia flew on SilverShadow and pulled the razor-cloth mask over her face as they approached the centre of Fire Heart. Luca rode on WaveCrusher and also put on a mask that Silvia had given him. They were joined by a few other dragons as they landed on the ground. Immediately all the dragons started clawing at the ground. "Seems like they're trying to dig into the earth to find something" Luca whispered to Silvia. "I know. Let's take a look around, follow me" Silvia whispered back. She flew her Razorwhip around a bend with Luca following. Suddenly SilverShadow took control of the flight and flew into a forest just behind the village. WaveCrusher did the same. The two dragons flew through the trees, turned a corner and landed behind the great hall, they continued walking then stopped. In front of them was a deep tunnel leading down into darkness. "Well would you look at that, there is a great hole behind the great hall" Silvia said sarcastically as she walked to the edge and looked down into the blackness. "Why is it here?" Asked Luca. "I don't know, no one is aloud back here apart from the chief." "Has no one ever gone to see why?" "The chief says it's because there are a lot of dragons back here and he wants to protect everyone. Everyone trusts him so no one comes here" Silvia explained. SilverShadow and WaveCrusher flew over the tunnel, obviously wanting to go inside. "What do you think is down there?" Asked Luca. "Only one way to find out!" Said Silvia as she and SilverShadow flew down the tunnel and faded into the darkness.

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