A Major Find

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Silvia looked at her sister. "Ruby? Is that really you? After all theses years?" Silvia asked in shock. "Silvia? Oh my god, yes it's me!" Said Ruby as she hugged her sister. They walked to Ruby's camp. "What happened? Where were you all this time?" Asked Silvia as they had sat down. "I lived happily on Fire Heart, but as I'm sure you remember, I was very curious. So I often explored around the village and the tunnels. One day I was walking through the tunnels and I came to a clearing. Inside were thousands of guards and they were guarding something in the middle. I couldn't see much, but it was round and it was making a high-pitched sound. Before I could do anything the guards found me and took me to the chief. The chief said something about me seeing to much. So at night he tied me to a tree trunk and threw it in the sea. And I guess he just made up a story about me getting lost or something. The current took me to this island where I lived quite happily. Sure this has a few dragons on it, but they never even noticed me. Then that Triple Strike came to the island and it's always following me, it must be hunting me or something" Ruby explained. "Wow, what a story! I'll go with you tomorrow and see what that Triple Strike wants" Silvia offered. Silvia and Luca each told Ruby their stories and SilverShadow sat by Ruby purring as Ruby rubbed the scales under her chin.

The next day Luca and WaveCrusher went to explore more of the island leaving Silvia, Ruby and SilverShadow to get to know each other again. "I want to show you something" Silvia said to Ruby. "Okay, what?" "How do you feel about going for a ride?" Silvia asked pointing to SilverShadow.

Silvia sat on her SilverShadow then helped Ruby up. Ruby sat behind Silvia and held onto her. "Ok, nice and easy, girl" Silvia told her Razorwhip. SilverShadow took to the air and flew around the island slowly getting higher. After a while she flew up above the fluffy, white clouds and glided. "Ready for a little fun?" Silvia asked her sister. "You bet!" Ruby smiled. "Hold on" Silvia said as she gripped onto SilverShadow. SilverShadow dived down through the clouds, when she was just above the water she spread her wings and was lifted up by the wind. She did a few flips and flew back to the island.

They flew over the land until they saw the Triple Strike. SilverShadow landed close by it. "So this is the dragon that has been chasing you?" Silvia asked her sister. "Yes, it came to island a few months ago" Ruby told her. SilverShadow stayed back on command of Silvia, but was ready to step in when needed. Ruby stayed close behind Silvia as they approached the dragon. The dragon turned and looked at the two girls. "Easy now" Silvia said calmly as held up her hands showing she had no weapons, Ruby did the same. Silvia reached in her pocket and held up some dragon nip. The Triple Strike tilted its head and calmed down. "There we go" Silvia said as she reached out her hand and patted the dragon. Silvia passed some dragon nip to Ruby who gave it to the Triple Strike. Silvia took Ruby's hand and held it in front of the dragon. The Triple Strike watched Silvia back off, then put it's head against Ruby's hand. "Wow" Ruby gasped.

After a couple of simple lessons, Silvia and Ruby flew above the clouds on their dragons. "So what are you gonna name her?" Silvia asked. "I was thinking FireStorm." "FireStorm, I like it!" Silvia smiled. They went back to camp and found Luca. Ruby and Luca stayed on the island while Silvia and SilverShadow flew back to Shredstone Walls. Silvia arrived and found Juniper. "Hey there little guy, ready for an adventure?" Juniper purred in response. "Good, lets go" Silvia told him as they turned and flew back to Ruby's island. "Remind me why you bought Juniper here?" Ruby asked as she watched Juniper take the fish Luca gave him. "We can send messages to each other with him. Like this:" Silvia took some paper and rolled it up, she gave the paper to Juniper who took it in his paws. "To Ruby" Silvia told him. Juniper flew to Ruby and gave her the paper. "What if he doesn't find us?" "Don't worry, he'll find us" Silvia said. They talked some more. "So it's decided, tomorrow we fly back to Fire Heart and put this plan in action" Silvia said closing the meeting.

Silvia led the way with Juniper on her shoulder with Luca and Ruby behind her. "Everyone know the plan?" Asked Silvia. "Yes" Luca and Ruby replied. "Then let's go!" Silvia said as they split up. Luca and WaveCrusher flew towards the centre of the Fire Heart while Silvia, SilverShadow, Ruby and FireStorm flew towards the tunnels. "Follow me" Silvia told her sister as they went into the tunnel. They turned the corner and flew into the cave by the water, however there was no light from up ahead and the tunnels were pitch black. Silvia got ready to fly into the tunnel. "We knew you would come!" Said a voice from behind them.

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