Into The Tunnel

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SilverShadow landed on a rock inside the tunnel and WaveCrusher landed next to her. "I can't see anything" Luca said as he looked at the pitch black around them. "SilverShadow, light it up" Silvia told her dragon. SilverShadow opened her mouth and kept a flame burning in the back of her throat so it looked like she had made a campfire in her mouth. The light of the flame spread through the darkness and lit up the cave around them. "Wow, I had no idea she could do that!" Luca smiled as he looked at SilverShadow. "Neither did I, good girl!" Said Silvia as she patted her dragon.

The cave was covered in deep water below them, they were standing on the only ledge in the whole cave and the only way out was the way they came. SilverShadow and WaveCrusher kept flying down to the water then back to ledge, telling their riders they wanted to go deeper. "We need to get deeper, but how?" Asked Silvia. "I can go. WaveCrusher can swim and I can hold me breath for half an hour." "You sure?" "Yes, I'll be fine. I'll meet you back in our tunnel near the dock." "Okay, but take this for light" Silvia said. She took out a firefly in a glass jar and passed it to Luca. "Thanks!" Smiled Luca. "Good luck!" Said Silvia as she watched Luca and WaveCrusher dive down into the water. Silvia sighed and flew her dragon up the tunnel and back to the dock.


Luca held his breath as he and WaveCrusher swam down the tunnel. The jar with the firefly gave enough light for him to see around. After what felt like hours, they reached the bottom and glided through the narrow tunnel. They swam through a cloud of sand as WaveCrusher's wings skimmed the ground. They came to the end of the tunnel that was blocked off by rock. "Where now?" Wondered Luca as he held up the jar so the firefly spread it's light. Luca noticed a very narrow slit in the wall. WaveCrusher saw the slit too and swam right for it. Luca leaned in as the walls passed alarming close by. They came out and swam through the tunnel in front of them. Luca started to find it hard to hold his breath. He reached out his hand and patted WaveCrusher twice, this meant he needed to breath soon. WaveCrusher nodded and picked up speed.

The tunnel started getting shallow so WaveCrusher surfaced. Luca caught his breath and held up the jar. They had come to a cave. WaveCrusher climbed out of the water and let Luca get of him. Luca looked around, there was a tunnel leading further up. Luca took the jar and headed up the tunnel with his dragon following. After walking through the tunnel for a long time they turned a corner and saw a light up ahead. "That's weird" thought Luca. He crept around the corner making sure to keep against wall. Around the corner were a ton of armed guards going all the way up the rest of the tunnel. "What are they guarding?" Wondered Luca. "We need to get Silvia and SilverShadow" Luca whispered to WaveCrusher. They turned and flew back down the tunnel until they reached the water.

Just as they were about to swim back, a Whispering Death screeched and flew towards them. Luca looked at the dragon, it had no legs, only two wings, a long snake-like body and a round head with big, white eyes. WaveCrusher jumped into the air and Luca drop the firefly jar in the water. The light spread through the water making the cave glow. WaveCrusher flew around the cave with the Whispering Death following him. WaveCrusher swerved right as the Whispering Death snapped its jaw shut, just missing him. WaveCrusher flew into a hole in the wall with the Whispering Death close behind. There was a dead end up ahead. "Come on boy!" Said Luca as he held on tight. WaveCrusher opened his mouth and let out a sonic blast, the rocks up ahead crumbled, fell away and they flew into another tunnel. There was a light up ahead, they flew towards it as the dragon behind them screeched and gathered speed.


It was night. Luca still hadn't returned and Silvia was starting to get worried. She sat down by the fire she had made. Silvia heard a screech from a dragon and looked up. She saw Luca and WaveCrusher flying towards them with a Whispering Death behind them. "SilverShadow!" Called Silvia. SilverShadow jumped up and shoot a few tail-spines at the Whispering Death, it hit and the dragon flew away. WaveCrusher landed. "Thanks" said Luca as he caught his breath. Luca told Silvia everything that happened. "Let's get some rest and tomorrow we can go into the cave and find out what's in there" Silvia said. Luca nodded and say down.


The chief made his way to the back of the great hall. He walked to the tunnel leading down into the ground, but there was a faint glow coming from the darkness in it. "What's this? Who has been in my tunnel?" Wondered the chief. "Whoever it was will pay" the chief told himself as he turned and walked away.

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