Chapter 012

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Hello~ hope you like it.

By authornim


Taehyung POV


I can't believe my eyes as I saw Ara hopeless body lying there.

"Hyung, this is Ara!",Jungkook said shocked.

I kneel down to her in shock. I don't know what to do now. My mind is totally messed up.

"Hyung ,we need to go. Yera did it probably. And she deserves it", Jimin said.

"Jimin hyung! Your just to much! Can't you see that she has fainted?! DIPSHIT!!", Jungkook yelled at Jimin.

Despite him being the maknae, he still had a kind heart for girls. Not the bitchy ones, but the kind, weak and lovable ones.

Also to mentioned, girls who are strong and powerful.

I could clearly see the darkness and sadness in Jungkook's eyes when he saw Eunmi crying hard and yelling at me at the same time.

'after all he has a crush on Eunmi'

Anyways, I was still seeing Ara's hopeless face. I don't know how but my hand moved on it's own and landed on Ara's swollen eye bags under her eyes.

'WAs she crying all night yesterday?'

'is it because of her torture's that she get from us?'

From Yera, me and the whole school.

Wait ...what am I thinking?! There is no way I can think about her like that.

But I can't leave her like that, can I?

"Hyung, I am taking Ara to the infirmary",Jungkook said as he was about to held Ara in a bridal style.

"No! Wait!",I interupt him.

"what?",He ask coldly.

"Umm....",I couldn't find any words to say.

"Tell me later",Jungkook said.

"Wait!",I again interrupted him.

"Now, What?!",He yelled with anger.

'he is seriously too much concerned'

"I will carry her",I said him.

I just couldn't believe myself that I said that.

"Okay, then",Jungkook said as he stepped away from her.

I could see Jimin widden his eyes at my statement. I couldn't even believe myself. Jimin knows that how much I hate Ara for hurting Yera. But today... I don't know what to say.

I hesitently carried Ara in a bridal style and we left to go to the infirmary. I could see that Jimin still have his shocked expression plastered in his face at my actions.

While we were on our way to the infirmary, I took a chance to look at Ara's face properly.

She is pretty and beautiful. But not as much as Yera, cause she puts a lot of makeup? Well I don't know myself. I can see that Ara has an innocent face. No trace in it that she is a torturer. But she is, right?

Anyways, after we reached the infirmary,we told the nurse what we saw. Then we told her to not tell Ara about who brought her here. The nurse nodded in return.

After that we left the infirmary. But what I witnessed that Jungkook still has that poker face face on.

'What's gotten into him?'



Ah! My head hurts!

I slowly opened my eyes as I saw an unfimiliar place.

'oh! it's the infirmary'

But how did I got here? Who brought me here? I thought that I fainted in the girls restroom.

'I just don't know'

I asked the nurse but she said that she forgot who it was.

'that's...... weird'

Anyways, I skipped all the classes and texted the girls and Haiza that I'll be going home as I was feeling bad.

I still have a headache. And it is hurting.

I almost collapsed on the footpath. But someone held me up by my upper hand. I saw the person. Then I widden my eyes.

"Jeonghan oppa?", I asked him as I eyed him.

"why are you here?",I added.

"well you know, I was going to get a part time job as a teacher in your school", he stated.

"What?!",I said in shock.

'this is not right'

"But why?!",I said to him in shock.

"well I can be the manager of the company but I don't feel like to be. And then I thought of being a teacher in your school. By that I will be also able to protect you from those bullies and Yera",he explained the reason to me.

"You should come with me",Jeonghan oppa added.

"Where?",I asked him.

"With me to the school",he stated.




HEY guys, authornim is back!

Well first sorry for not updating for like many days.

And I have something to tell you. You have to go to my account and then tap conversation to see it. Please see it and reply to me about what to do.

Anyways have fun!

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