Two Months Waiting

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"Emmy, it's time for you to go home."
Emily looked up at her dad. She'd been sitting and talking to him for hours. When she saw her dad, she took off running to him crying, jumping in his arms. It was like she was a little girl again. Her father scooping her up and laying her head on his shoulder.  He'd twirled her around and gave her a sample of his famous Wayne Fields laugh. It was a feeling that only her daddy could give.
She looked down and sniffled hard. She didn't want to leave him.
"I don't want to leave dad."
He smiled at her. Wayne couldn't get over the beautiful woman his Emmy had become. She was simply gorgeous and she had the heart of a lion.
"Emmy, as much as I've loved ha I gotta you here, there's someone or should I saw someones who want you more."
Alison. Lily. Grace. God, she couldn't wait to hold them.
"I know. But it doesn't make this any easier."
"You're so beautiful Emmy and I'm so proud of you. Never doubt how much I love you and am glad to call you my baby girl."
Tears ran down her face as she felt her dad's voice began to fade away. She frowned as he suddenly disappeared and a bright light took over. She winced and groaned at how bright the light was.
The nurse saw her movements and smiled lightly. She paged for a doctor and smiled at the young beauty.
"Well my my. Are you finally awake?"
Emily groaned before blinking and opening her eyes slowly, licking her lips.
"Would you like some water?"
Emily's throat felt like it was on fire and she knew it would hurt to talk so she just nodded.
"An ice cold glass of water coming right up."
Emily looked around the room and noticed the crib but there was no one else in the room. She wondered where her family was. Then she remembered how things were left off with Alison. Was Ali still mad at her? Did she not want her anymore?
Tears welled up in her eyes and when the nurse walked back in, she noticed the beautiful brown eyes welling up with tears. She got concerned.
"Ms. Fields, are you in pain? Do you need anything?"
Em shook her head while looking down. She noticed the nurse handing her the water so she reached out to take it. Her hand shook so the nurse held the cup and put the straw up to her lips. Em took a long sip, wincing at the feel of the liquid hitting her throat. She smiled at the nurse.
"Thank you."
"No problem sweetie. Now, what's going on in that mind of yours?"
Emily tried to open her mouth again but her throat burned.
The nurse smiled at her.
"Oh Alison? She's going to be happy your awake. She had to go back to work but she's going to be back this weekend."
Hearing the nurse say that immediately put her mind at ease. Ali's coming back. Then she became confused.
"How long have I-"
"It's been about two months dear. And there's a gang of people waiting for you to get better."
"Especially her. She can't wait to see you too."
Em nodded before feeling sleepy again.
"Go ahead sweetie. The doctor should be to see you any minute."
*A Few Hours Later*
Ali made her way down the hallway, pushing the girls in their stroller. She'd had to return back to work but she made it a habit to come spend the weekends with Emily. As she neared Em's room, she frowned at seeing the doctor and two nurses leaving the room. He was talking and smiling as he walked out. When he saw her, his eyes twinkled.
"Ahhh Mrs. Fields! I was just about to have a nurse call you."
"Is everything okay?"
He smiled at her before speaking.
"Why don't you go in and take a look for yourself."
She thanked him before pushing open the door and when she did, her heart almost stopped. There her wife was sitting up in bed, staring at her. Those eyes, God, how she'd missed them.
Hearing the girls screaming knocked her out of her daze and she took off running. She jumped up on the bed, wrapping her arms around Emily's neck. Feeling Em wrap her arms around her waist almost knocked the wind out of her. She began crying as she rocked Em in her arms.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too Ali."
They soon heard whimpering and Ali went and got the girls from their stroller. She put one in Emily's arms and kept the other in her lap as she got in her normal spot in the bed beside Em.
Lily grabbed Em's face and blew a raspberry on her cheek before clapping Em's cheeks lightly with her hands. Em giggled before bringing Lily to her, kissing her forehead and cheeks. Grace, feeling left out, reached for Em. Ali leaned her closer to Em so Em could lay a few kisses on her. Em put Grace in her spot before she decided to take a picture and send it to everyone, letting them know Em is awake.
*Spence* Oh my God! Em's awake!
*Hanna* Finally! Tell her she owes me a cuddle sesh!
*Aria* oh Emily! I can't wait to see you!
*Mama Fields* My baby! I'm on the way!
Ali texted her father and Jason separately, letting them both know that Emily was awake. When she walked back over to the bed, both of the girls were in Emily's lap, laying on her thighs. Em had laid back on the bed but she had her arms protector holding the girls to her. Ali got in the bed and laid in her normal position. Em snuggled up to Ali and Ali swooned. She'd missed her cuddle bunny so much. She leaned over, laying a kiss on Emily's lips.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too. I love all of you so much."

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