Nomination Guidelines

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⚠️Please read all rules of the nomination process carefully or your nomination will be disqualified.

Nominations will begin on November 1, 2017 at 11:59PM (EST).
Nominations will close on December 1, 2017 at 11:59PM (EST).

Top Five Nominations for each award category will be announced on December 18, 2017.

Voting will begin on December 18, 2017 at 11:59PM (EST).
Voting will end on January 18, 2018 at 11:59PM (EST)

Nomination Guidelines:

1. You must either: (a) follow this account; (b) send us a private message telling us that you accept the nomination; or (c) comment under the nomination letting us know you accept. The reason we are doing this, is to ensure that writers nominated do want their work to be included in these awards. So make sure to let your favorite author to know to accept the nomination!

2. Any age can participate.

3. Stories submitted must be in English.

4. Stories do not have to be completed to be nominated, but you must have at least three chapters completed. Short stories will be accepted.

5. If you are selected as a judge, you can't participate in the contest. If you sent us an application to be a judge and we haven't responded to you yet, you can still nominate stories by others.

6. There are ten award categories. Please make sure that your are nominating the right books in the right categories.

7. You can nominate someone or self-nominate. You must go to the category you wish to nominate a book and include: the author's name "@" and the title of the book being nominated). Please Note: multiple nominations of the same book doesn't guarantee that it will be a finalist.

8. Participation is open to anyone with a story centered around at least one main Black character.

9. Since this is the first year we are going this, books can be nominated from any year. Next year we will have designated qualifying dates.

10. All mature stories must be properly identified as such. All genres are accepted for any of the ten categories.

10. Please don't harass, put down other writers, or be negative towards anyone's work! You will be muted and disqualified from participating in any way in this contest. Respect others at all times! All writers are of different ages, backgrounds, and levels. These awards were created to celebrate and uplift, not to tear anyone down!

⚠️A new chapter will be added when nominations are open. You will you submit your nominations to that chapter only.

⚠️Reminder. You can't nominate for MTainelli or DLittleWriter because we are the admins running this account. We are flattered but don't want any conflict of interests.

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