Oops We Did It Again...

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Of course that was the moment Ally had decided on walking in to the room

I pulled away from Nash who looked a little confused and whipped my head around towards the door where ally was stood

She sucked in a breath covering her mouth with her hand her eyes widened she turned on her heal and left the room

I looked back at Nash who's eyes had also widened realizing what we were just doing and what could and would have happened if Ally hadn't walked in

I swung my leg over top of him getting off him sitting next to him laying my head in my hands setting my elbows on my cris-cross-applesauced legs on the bed he closed his eyes because suddenly it just became really awkward

I got up of the bed and walked over to the door walking over to Ally's bedroom walking in closing the door behind me

I walked over to her bed sitting down on it she was laying down watching me but she didn't say anything which I appreciated

As I sat down on the bed she sat up looking at me expecting an answer I looked up at her giving her a small smile

"So?" she asked giving me a duh look

"Well...um that was...umm...well I guess I don't know what to say..." I said looking up at her

"Well let's start with what the fuck was that?" she asked

"I don't know we were just talking then we were going to go back to sleep and he said he couldn't unless he got a goodnight kiss" I started when she interrupted me

"That was not just a goodnight kiss"

"Let me Finish. Well he said he couldn't sleep unless he got a goodnight kiss, so I sat up and kissed his cheek but he pulled me up and kissed me and one thing led to another and we ended up the way we were when you walked in" I finished

She nodded looking at me to see if I was lying

"Alright...sooo...is he a good kisser" she asked wiggling her eyebrows at me "is he good in bed?" she asked eyes wide

It was like 4 am in the morning, too early for this shit.

My eyes widened "no wait stop. Alright he is a good kisser but we haven't had sex yet. We would have I'm pretty sure we would have but you walked in thank god!" I said

She just smirked and nodded "mhhmm"

"Stop acting like you don't want it!" She said smirking still

I rolled my eyes an stood up

"What were you doing coming into our room anyway?" I asked

"Well your brother was in the other bathroom so I thought you two were sleeping I would just go use yours but then I saw you and Nash in a compromising position" she said continuing "you know your really lucky your brother hadn't walked in on you two or he would have castrated poor Nash you two looked a little to far gone to care about him at that moment though..." she would have finished but I put my hand up to stop her and she took the hint

I walked towards the door but before I left I felt something hit the back of my butt I turned around and bent down to pick up the thing that hit me looking from it to Ally who just smiled cheekily at me

A condom that was what I was holding...

"Really" I asked holding it out

"Yeah condoms are your friend unless you want a baby then there your enemy" she said smiling again

"Yeah I'm on the pill for that" I said throwing the condom back at her I mean seriously?

Yes I'm still a virgin and I plan on staying one for a while but I don't know something just gets to me when I'm around Nash it's like I turn into a wild animal and all I want to do is rip his clothes off and make him mine, but I can't have theses thoughts.

I walked back to my room and laid back down next to an already sleeping Nash hmm...I guess he really did just need a good night kiss.

I laid down making sure to turn my phone off this time so I wouldn't get interrupted but as soon as I was about to fall asleep I felt Nash's hand wrap around my waist and pull my back into his chest and that's how we fell asleep

Well this is...yeah...
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