Autors Note!

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Alright sorry it's taking so long that last chapter took FOREVER to write because I had to go back and change things and such and such but ya know... Yea anywhore I hope you all like where I'm going with this I mean I haven't gotten any feedback so...

Well thanks for everyone who's stuck around I know it's been a long journey from about 3 and Half moths's been a long time and I'm so sorry about that I've had a lot of shit going on and I still do I'm trying to finish this book before I work on my other one so... Sorry... I had major writers block and I'm still having a few problems but I already know what's going to happen but it's just putting it down on paper so thanks for reading and I love you all!!! I have 309 reads and I almost freaked I love you guys!!! Thanks so much and I'm sorry!!!

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