Maybe...just Maybe...

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Audrey's pov:

Would I be his girlfriend?

My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest and It was a good feeling

I looked up at Nash in shock and to see if he was going to bust out laughing and tell me it was all a joke and that he really just hates me.

But luckily that didn't happen he just looked down at me waiting for my answer but I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips against his again

Sparks flew as soon as they touched you have no idea how much I missed this.

After a second I pulled away and smiled at him

"I'll take that as a yes?" he asked

I smiled "yeah" I whispered hugging him again and lightly pecking his neck

God I missed this so much

Just then I remembered that my brother hated me because of shit like this I pulled away and looked at him

"Nash what about Matt?" I asked

He smiled"you need to talk to him about what happened, and we'll talk to everyone about us and what happened and we will get through it. I promise." he said

I know my brother would be stubborn he hated it when I wore short shorts let alone linge-freaking-rie! I mean I know he'll have to forgive me sometime but I hate him being mad at me..

I sighed breathing in his sent holding him closer and intertwining our fingers pulling him closer, just because I can now.

After a few minutes I pulled away and we walked towards the entrance to the mall to find Matt again

We walked hand in hand until we found our group, I dropped his hand and walked up to Matt.

"Can we talk" I asked giving him the puppy dog look because he can't say no to that

He looked pissed "fine" he growled out through gritted teeth

"You want me to come?" Nash asked me so just I could hear it but I shook my head no

"I need to do this alone" I said he just nodded lightly squeezing my side for reassurance and walked back over to our group of friends

We walked out side an over to the bench that was on the opening I needed to hurry before someone noticed that he was 'Matt Espinosa'

" You still mad at me?"I asked

He narrowed his eyes at me " What do you think?" he asked obviously pissed

I sighed "Matt it wasn't that big of a deal its just some fucking lingerie okay it's not like I made a porno, I didn't know you an the guys were going to show up!"I said a little aggravated which was bad because I didn't want to bring attention to us

"Yeah well we did and you gave the whole world a show"he said pissed off

I rolled my eyes "as if" I snorted " No one but the girls were supposed to see it, plus Nash wouldn't let them doing anything to me and neither would I. I have self respect and dignity it was supposed to be funny and make me laugh because I was upset" I said upset again because someone is always mad at me

"Yeah. I know, but dressing skanky won't help anything "he growled ou

I sniffed looking down at the ground someones always angry. "Okay, fine. Just never mind then"I said quietly still looking down at the ground tears treating to spill only because I hat when people are mad at me

"Don't cry, what's wrong?"he said grabbing my chin and pulling it up to look at me and my watery eyes

"I just done want you to be mad at me, i hate when people are angry all the time you know that." I said sniffling again and wiping my eyes

"Fine, I'll forgive you but if I ever see you in skimpy shit like that again"he said trailing off and I rolled my eyes

I nodded " are we okay?" I asked and he nodded pulling me into a hug

"I love you Matt" I said hugging him back

"I love you too Audrey" he said back

"So what's up with you and Nash by the way are you still fighting?" he asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked towards are friends again

I shook my head no "nope, exact opposite actually. Were really good now all we had to do was talk it out, well I guess scream it out i guess, but yeah we talked it out and we're dating now" I said shrugging

He stopped in his tracks

"What?" he asked

I have him a big smile "" I said in a small happy voice

He glared at me " your kidding right?" He asked and I shook my head no

"No I'm actually really happy so please respect that Matthew" I said giving him the puppy dog eyes again

Matt rolled his eyes "Fine but if he hurts you just know I won't be Mr. Nice guy and no lovey dovey shit in front of me" he said and I nodded

"Thank you Matt it really means a lot to me" I said smiling again

Wow everything in balance again.

When we made it back to where we were all at there was a swarm of girls around it

Wow, must have noticed Magcon was here

I smirked running and jumping on Cams back like he was giving me a piggy back ride

"Nash will you help get this chick off me seriously I get it your a fan but you don't jump on people you need to be civil!" he shrieked

Nash started laughing making me laugh and then he realized it was me

"Audrey you scared me I though some crazed bitch was trying to jump me!" he said as I climbed off him gave him a toothy smile and latched onto Nash as I saw my brother walk into our circle

Matt came up to us and he pointed at Nash glaring at him " You hurt her. You deal with me." He said then made the gesture that he was watching and Nash nodded

"I'll never make that mistake again" he said as he wrapped his arms around me again

"So Nash told us some interesting news" Emily cooed as I walked over to the girls after detaching myself from Nash

"Oh yeah and what's that?" I asked

She looked at me like I was stupid "your dating duhh" She said

I nodded and we all squealed together for a moment to get our Girly out but to say I was so excited I could explode was an understatement

I'm in love with Nash

And Nash is in love with me

How much more perfect can it get?

Things may be actually working out for once... Maybe...just maybe...


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