Knock knock knock!

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Bad,this was most definitely a bad thing.

The way he stared at me the whole time we were in the car

The way he was standing a little closer to me sending shivers through my body

The way his eyes scanned over me like his life depended on it

Or the way he would secretly brush me every time he got the chance because it gave me goose bumps

Or the way he MADE me play chicken with him so I had to sit on his shoulders..

Oh he knew and it most definitely was NOT a good thing.

Me and Ally were currently sitting on our towels tanning, I actually had gotten a nice tan over the time I spent over the week thank god I thought I was going to have to go back to Florida as pale as a ghost!

Well anyway we were tanning until something walked in the way...

"What the..." I started to say but stopped when I saw Nash's perfect sculpted body standing right next to me the knowing smirk on his lips, made my breath catch in my through

"Hey Audrey will you come with me to get some waters from the concession stand?" He asked smiling down at me

"No" I said causing his smile to flatten

"Why not?" He whined pouting

"Because I don't want to now get out of my sun!" I said pulling my recently pulled up shades back down over my eyes

"Alright don't say I didn't give you the easy choice first" he said then moved

"Wait what-" I barely finished that before some one was picking me up off the ground and throwing me over there shoulder
I started to beat on his back as hard as I could which I would say was actually hard he would have a few bruises

"Alright alright enough" he said putting me down laughing at me did no one else see this happening? Seriously people!

"What the hell are you doing why didn't you just take Matt?" I asked stoping dead in my tracks crossing my arms over my chest and a suborn look on my face

"Because I wanted to walk with you" he said In a duh tone

"Oh" I said dropping my attitude...and just like that another one of my walls came tumbling down...damn him.

"We'll let's go then." I said walking next to him

He reached over and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers

"I'm glad were friends" is all he said

But it hurt.

Just hearing the word

yep I was friend zoned,and that shit sucked.

  --------///concession stand///---------

"I need like 20 water bottles" Nash said snickering

"Coming up" the lady behind the stand said winking at Nash

Woah lady,

"Here ya go" she said sliding over a bag of water bottles and a piece of paper with her number on it that said

989 555-5478 call me sometime for some fun"

Nash read it shook his head laughing and threw it in the garbage can next to him

We walked back but by the time we got there I had to pee so I made Nash come with me to the bathroom

When we got there I went in and went to the bathroom and as I walked out some one grabbed my waist and pulled me back in locking the door behind us

My eyes widened with fear as I turned around I saw the one and only Nash Grier

He took a few steps toward me our eyes connecting we kept doing this until my back was against the sink my purple and pink dress getting wet from the water on the counter

He was right in front of me he slid his hand over my for head whipping the hair out of my eyes

He leaned forward and put his face in the crook of my neck kissing lightly

I lifted up his face looking into his beautiful eyes and I was gone I brought his lips to mine and kissed him it was soft at first but it got deeper and deeper his hands snaked around my waist mine around his neck

He lifted up my dress a little rubbing his hands up and down my thighs causing a fire to uproar through my body I was buzzing

He lifted my dress up a little more until I got the hint and completely took it off leaving me in my bikini and him in his swim trunks he pulled our lips back to get her and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he sat me on the counter top his hands slid to my back undoing my bikini top and letting it slid down off me

He looked me up and down hunger flashing in his eyes as he roughly pulled me to him again kissing me harder

I grabbed for his swim trunks undoing the tie and pulling him closer to me by the top of them I kissed his abs leaving a trail up and down until I got down to his v-line and that's when I heard a knock on the door...again welcome to my life!
HA! I scared you, I scared you you thought I was actually going to stop writing! Ha only in your dreams you can't get rid of my that easy so on with the story

I immediately jumped down off the counter and grabbed my top throwing it on then my dress over top of that I tried to straighten out my hair but I had definite make out hair

Nash had tied his pants back up and was standing by the door ready to go out

I walked over to the door which he opened for me then he came out behind me grabbing my hand the lady that I'm assuming knocked on the door looked at us shook her head and made some remark about kids these days can't keep it in there pants

Well ha old lady maybe they couldn't back then either but no one wanted you hag!

By the time we were back to our spot everyone had packed up and was ready to leave

"Hey guys ready to go?" Ally asked putting her towel in the back of the car

"Hey um yeah I just have to go grab my phone I left in by my towel" I said turning towards the beach

"Oh no ill go get it" Nash said running off in that direction

Damn him why is he so fucking perfect?

Ally just shook her head and said "that was weird" then got into the back

I nodded in agreement then got in next to her waiting for the guys to get in so I could get on one of there laps

It turned out to be Taylor who I had to sit on this time which I didn't mind me and Taylor were friends I wouldn't say we were besties but we don't hate each other and the ride wasn't awkward

When we got home I went to my room and striped of my bathing suit and dress grabbing a pair of sweats and a tank top and took a long shower

When I got out I put on my clothing and walked into the main room when someone pulled on my hand wrapping there hands around my waist and pulling me into them I knew Nash's body shape and this was most definitely not him!

I kinda panicked when the husky voice said "I'm sorry I haven't told you but I really like you will you be my girlfriend" then pulled me into a kiss I opened my eyes to see none other then Shawn Mendes.

What the Hell.
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