I hate funeral's

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Audrey's pov:

It had been three days exactly since the day of the accident.

Dad had died that night, the doctors said it was peaceful and he didn't feel much pain.

That doesn't mean we haven't.

Everything had pretty much been back to normal except the slight awkwardness and the sadness in the air

Today was dads funeral and I still don't believe this is happening

It all feels like one big fucked up joke.

Like dads going to come popping out and be all " THIS IS SCARE TACTICS AND YOU'VE JUST BEEN PRANKED"

Even though I know this isn't going to happen I sure wish it would just so I could hug him one last time..to at least say goodbye...

I shook my head as I put on a thin layer of water proof eyeliner then some waterproof mascara

"How you holding up?" Someone asked from behind me causing me to jump out of my skin and whip my head around to see Cameron and Nash standing there

"Umm...as good as a girl who's dad just died can be" I said looking back up at my mirror and sighing at the reflection.

Im not myself anymore, dark bags fill the space under my eyes and red blotches covered my cheeks due to tear after tear

"Babe you don't have to be so strong" Nash whispered in my ear then slightly bit down on it causing my heart to lurch and my body to heat up


Your about to go see your dead dad.

I closed my eyes as he wrapped his arm around my waist from behind slowly sliding them down my waist to my butt

I didn't stop him like I wanted to I encouraged him by turning around and pulling his lips on to mine

Anything to avoid going outside to go see my dad.

Anything to run from my problems.

This is what I needed, a good rough make out session from all the stress and pain and to just make up for the time I missed when we were fighting.

I grabbed his tie and pulled him with me until I felt my legs hit the bed and I pulled him on top of me not breaking our kiss

I but down on his bottom lip and pulled the bottom of his tucked in button up shirt out from his pants

I slide my hands over his perfect stomach grinding my hips into his

"Audrey we need to stop" he said in a husky voice that made me want to do everything but stop

I shook my head no and mumbled "I don't want to" flipping us fully losing my self control

I started un-buttoning his shirt which he didn't object to I ran my hands all over his chest then made my way to his pants button and started trying to un-do it when he grabbed my hand and pulled away

"Stop trying to take my clothing off" he muttered as it looked like he was trying his hardest not to just take me right now which is exactly what I was hoping would happen.

"Why?" I screamed almost wanting to cry

"Because I want your first time to be special and this isn't" he said in a soft tone

I just huffed and got off him pulling my dress back down and fixing my fishtail braid then stomping off the bus

"Hey Audrey" Matt called from behind me

I turned around "yea" I mumbled remembering why I was actually upset in the first place

"Ready?" he asked

I shook my head no "No but I'm as ready as I'll ever be I guess" I mumbled before hopping into the big black SUV thing that was going to take us to the church where the funeral was being held

Nash got in and sat beside me...he wrapped his hand around my shoulders and I leaned into him not even caring anymore

I was actually really glad he didn't take advantage of me in my rage because honestly I would have regretted doing it not that it's the wrong person just the wrong time and the wrong reason

"Still mad at me?" He whispered so I could hear it

I shook my head closing my eyes and taking a deep breath he always smelled so amazing

"I'm sorry I did that Nash..." I said

He nodded "it's alright I get it..."

I smile up at him and reached up and kissed him "I love you"

"I love you too" he said leaning down and kissing me making me smile and cuddle up to him

Why was he so perfect?

Even in the worst of times he makes me feel okay again.

"Oh gross dude sister!" Matt yelled covering his eyes

I smiled kissing his lips before pulling away and pecking him again quickly before sitting back right

"Sorry" Nash said awkwardly

Matt just rolled his eyes and so did I

I looked over at Nash lightly biting his shoulder to get his attention

"I love you" I said loud enough for Matt to hear

"I love you to babe" he said smiling

Ugh I loved the way he said that.

This was so perfect to bad I was on the way to a funeral...and my dads at that...

I dreaded walking in and seeing my mom fall apart, I dread walking in and realizing my dad was gone...forever.

I dread waking up tomorrow knowing that everything is different and not knowing how or if I can fix it..

I dread today and tomorrow and this whole situation.

I hate funeral's, because I hate death.

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