The phone call?

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I looked at the photo on my phone and let out an amused laugh

It had been three days since me and Nash's fight and ive been avoiding him like the plague

It's not that I didn't want to talk to him because I did...I still do but I just don't have anything to say.

I shook my head ridding myself of the thought I was trying to stay positive and right now I was texting my friend from back home, Kelly I really missed her

We were laughing about her pet parrot and she kept sending me stupid pictures of the parrot who's name was Polly...I know SO original...but anywhore it was hilarious!

She had just sent me a video of Polly talking saying "help I've been turned into a parrot help help help!" then doing that annoying screeching thing afterwards when someone tapped on my shoulder

I took my earbuds out trying to calm my laugher and looked up to see who it was it was Emily one of Ally's friends she was cool but I didn't really talk to her much so...I don't know why she tapped on my shoulder

I looked up at her still smiling like crazy from the video she looked down at me worried and I slightly panicked

"What's wrong Emily what happened?" I asked

She looked frazzled but she quickly answered "no no no nothing bad I just-I just need to talk to you about something" she said

My curiosity getting the better of me I motioned for her to sit down in the seat next to me "what's up" I asked popping the 'p'

"Do you like Shawn?" She blurted out leaving my shocked "because I totally understand why you would and all and I mean of course he would pick you over me because your so much prettier then me not that I want him to pick me over you I just I kinda do because I think I like him but if you like him I'll back off but he just keeps sending me mixed signals like he'll flirt with me one day and act as if he really likes me then the next day he will completely forget about me and act like I don't exist-"she started rambling but I cut her off by putting a hand in the air

Shaking my head violently I just stared at her wondering how to even start to answer whatever the hell that ramble was about

"No. No I do not like for saying I'm pretty I guess...Shawn actually likes you he's just really shy so don't be worried he just doesn't know how to be around girls he likes and show them that he cares...I suggest you go talk to him and you make the first move because he won't..."I said answering most of her questions I think...

She nodded "Thanks and sorry about the rambling I do that a lot when I'm nervous or whenever you know kinda like how some people like to-"she said but I cut her off by putting my hand up again

"Oh ok I'm doing it again sorry im- I'm gunna go talk to Shawn now" she said giggling and I nodded as she walked away

I went to put my ear phones back in and tell Kelly I had to go when I heard whispers coming from the back of the bus and I couldn't help but listen it was Nash on the phone with someone I think it was his little sister Skylynn

"Hey Nash"


"Where's your girlfwiend at can I talk to her?"

"She's...she's....not here right now" he sighed

"Oh...well can you ask her a qweston for me?"

"Sure baby what is it?"

"Will you ask her that when you come home she'll come with you and helf me learn some makeup"

"Yeah ill ask her" he said in a overly fake amused tone

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