New House

202 12 5

3 weeks later

So, over past couple of weeks we have been dating and we told the Jake Paulers. They shipped us Jessa!! I was so happy!!

"Hey babe!" He said from his room to me from his bathroom.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Let's go to the beach tonight!" He said.

"Ok!!" I said.

2 hours later we left and made it to the beach for a relaxing night.

We sat and watched the sunset and it was beautiful.

"Tessa, the past 3 weeks has been the best ever! I wanted to give you something that lets you know that I am committed to you and you only. And I want to know if you are to me too?" I nod my head. He pulls out a box. Promise rings. I broke down into tears. They were the same ones from my dream.

"What wrong baby?" He asked.

"There the same rings the Dream Jake got me. I knew you to were the same and I love you so much." I kissed him and he put the ring on my finger. Yay!

We spent the night looking at the stars and slowing falling asleep on the blanket we brought with us.

I woke up when someone poked my cheek. I looked up and saw a little kid.

"Ahh!" Is screamed. I looked around and people were surrounding us. Wtf dude get a life?

Jake woke up and stood up and gave me a hand up. I smiled and waved at the people. We walked away. Awkward.

We walked down the beach hand in hand and we walked to our car and headed home.

"Where were you guys?? We got worried." Erika said while Team 10 surrounded us.

"We fell asleep on the beach and got woke up by little kids.

"That's weird." Anthony said.

"Yeah try living it." I said.

"Hey any of you want to go to the gym before we start packing? Chance asked.

"Yeah sure." Jake said I nodded and we went and got dressed and the we left for the gym.

When we got home. We saw that most of the stuff was all packed down stairs. We went up stairs and got our stuff packed in our rooms. We got finished late around 12 am and we went to sleep tomorrow we move in to our mansion.

We woke up the next morning and made sure every thing is packed.

We headed to the mansion.

We arrived and I was so amazed by our new house!!

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