Finding Tessa

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"Logan, we can talk about this later. I have to go." I walked out of the house and in to my Lamborghini. I went to my room and opened my laptop and continued working.

Tessa's Pov:

I went out with the British and the goat for lunch and then we went home. Well Erika didn't cause she moved out of the house. Well she lives here and at her new apartment. I miss her already I literally just saw her!

I walked upstairs and into Jake and is room and I saw him still working. My baby works way to much.

"Jake why don't you take a break? We could watch a movie or go for a swim? Do a challenge for your vlog? Anything but you working! You work way to much!" I said waking up to him.

"Ok, let's go for a swim." We got changed and went to the back yard.

"I'll race you." I said. He looked at me and we both started running. I got there first.

"Haha!!! I won!!!" I said. He smiled and then I knew what he was going to do.

"NNNNOOOO!! I screamed before he tackled me in the water. We came up to the surface and he smiled at me and wrapped my arms and legs around him and he just held me.

I love it when he just hold me. Like we're the only peopl in the world. Just him and I.

"I love you Tessa." He said rubbing my back.

"I love you too Jakey." I said. I kissed his shoulder and the placed my head in the crook of his neck and at that moment I was so happy.

"And I will always love you. No matter what. I love you so much Tessa. I have never loved someone as much I have loved you. You are so perfect in my eyes." I look at him and he smiled I kiss him and just look into his eyes. The he splashed water at my face and I squealed. I splashed him back and it was war!

We splashed so much that there was so much water on the concrete on the side of the pool.

"I won!!" Jake said after spashjng so hard that I fall backwards into the water. We laugh our heads off.

"Hey! We're all going to get dinner with Logan if you two want to come!" Anthony said.

"Yes.." I said.

"No!!" He said. I was confused.

"Me and Logan have beef right now and I don't want to deal with him right now." He said.

"Oh, well I guess we are having a movie night!!!" I said and then kissed his cheek.

"Yess!!" He said.

"Ok well everyone is going so y'all have the house to your selves! So don't have to much fun!" He said.

"Ok we will try!" Jake said poking me. I squealed like a little girl. Anthony walked away and it was getting pretty dark so we got out and went inside.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I said. Of course he Join and let's just say that shower was steamy.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked while we sat on the couch.

"Chipotle!!" I said.

"Ok!" He said. We started watching finding dory and our post-mates soon got here.

"Yass I'm starving." i said.

"Hey can you get the food I'm going to grab something from the car.

Jakes pov:

"Gets you grab that while I go get something out of the car!" I said and she nodded. I was going to get the gift I got her for our 3 months anniversary! It's a custom made necklace!

 I was going to get the gift I got her for our 3 months anniversary! It's a custom made necklace!

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It a rose, because she loves roses. I grabbed the small black necklace box and I walked back into the house, through the kitchen. I heard Tessa scream. I ran to the door to see a car speeding away. I ran to my Lamborghini and chased after the car. It has to be......

Somebody text me!!  I'm so bored!!!

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