chapter 13

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may 18 1:49

I sighed and stared at the blankets.

"let me guess, is that our bed." I hadn't realized I put 'our bed' in the sentence and I don't think Alex did either.

"yup." we were both still out of breath but we calmed down a bit. "so do you want to go back to bed?"

"yeah, I'm exhausted."

"me too." he mumbled and took the blankets and spread them on the the floor. "we would have to share a blanket if that's ok with you?"

"yeah..." I hesitated. I laid down first staring towards the other wall. then alex slipped in next to me and he put his arm around my stomach. I didn't pull back or tell him to stop. I allowed it. I felt warmer and safer next to him. like nothing could happen to both of us.

"what are you thinking about?" he asked interrupting the silence.

"us." I blurted out. I smiled and I knew he was smiling too.

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