XVI - Surprise

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Parking in the driveway of their home, Henry killed the engine and got out of the Rover. Since their house wasn't fully prepared for Dimitri's early arrival, Henry had rushed in and out of a store to pick up more diapers and Annalise had even worked to provide them with some breast milk to start off with. While he grabbed the bags in the trunk, Daniel unbuckled their son from his car seat and they entered the house together. The moment the front door closed behind them, the married couple looked toward each other and adorned proud smiles on their faces. After three years of being married and the talk of having kids going back and forth, they finally had a baby, and neither of them could be happier than they were at this very moment. Just by the look in Daniel's eyes, he was the most content he's ever been in his entire life.

"You're on cloud nine, huh?" Henry said, locking the front door behind him.

With Dimitri held so close to him, Daniel nodded with a big toothy smile. "Yes, I am," he confessed, receiving kisses upon his lips when his husband leaned in to deliver them. "I love you so much and I'm glad we have a son together."

"Me, too," Henry kissed him one more time. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

It was exciting to finally have their son home with them. Even though he'd been born a perfectly healthy baby boy, the few additional and required days spent in the hospital had troubled them a little. Every new parent just wants to be home with their child, and now that they were in the comfort they worked so hard to have, bringing Dimitri into the home they wanted to raise him in together felt wonderful.

With a schedule for their son's feeding times, by the time they got home, Dimitri was already hungry and whining for a bottle. Working together, Henry went ahead and told Daniel to have a seat in the chair in the living room while he prepared a bottle from one of the bags he was holding. He tried to hurry so Dimitri wouldn't start crying too badly, measured (and documented the amount of milk he was giving) and then handed the tiny bottle to Daniel.

"Aww, don't cry," Daniel cooed, sitting back with the baby boy held gently in his arm, and when he touched the top of the nipple to Dimitri's mouth, the boy instinctively received it and began to drink down the milk. "He does look so much like you," Daniel cheesed brightly up at his husband. "Our ursuleț is going to be so handsome when he grows up."

"What does that mean?" Henry asked.

"Ursuleț means little bear. My grandparents used to call me that when I was growing up in Romania."

"Little bear," Henry smiled, feeling his heart warm even more watching his son drink his first bottle at home. "I like that."

After settling down with their baby boy and relaxing for a while, they moved into Dimitri's nursery to finish putting it together. There were still a few boxes that needed to be fully unpacked, and a rocking chair had arrived in a delivery, so Henry put that together first so Daniel could sit and rock their baby while he worked on unpacking everything else.

With the chair in the corner of the cutely decorated room, Daniel had dressed down into a single pair of black shorts that used be sweatpants before he cut them, and he had baby Dimitri bundled comfortably in a thin blanket against him. He couldn't get over how unbelievably adorable their son was, especially with his little green and white mittens on his hands so he wouldn't scratch himself. They looked like tiny balloons.

While Henry opened the boxes and set books on the shelf they had, organized the cutest stuffed animals next to others atop the dresser, and folded and tucked away a couple of outfits Dimitri wouldn't fit until he was at least a couple more months old, Daniel asked for his cellphone when he remembered he was going to video chat with his parents since they weren't in the hospital anymore. "Thank you," he said when Henry retrieved the cellphone from the kitchen. Using one hand, he dialed his mother's phone number and waited for an answer. Since it was 3:00pm there in Anavrin, it was 11:00pm in Sighisoara, Romania, so he wasn't expecting an answer, but was pleasantly surprised when his mother's face appeared on his screen.

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