Chap 16.

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So guys imma start off by saying i dont feel like putting titles for chapters anymore or pics on chaps, and im tryin realllll hard just to make these chaps longer😁!!
(Zacks P.O.V)
As i carry Cali back i take her off my shoulder and hold her bridal style.She looks up at me and smiles then i smile back. I open the door to walk in and go sit on the couch still with her in my arms then Tyler and Ryan walk over and look at us while we both look at them. They look at us liks as if were weird, but we just look at them like nothing at all is happening, like "nope not at all nah im not holding cali" Then Ryan says "hold on" like he's mad and tyler says "yeah" like he knows exactly what Ryan meant?!
Then they both just walk out leaving me and Cali alone.

Okay first of all Zack and Cali look cute together they should seriously date! Anyways me and Tyler walk over to the girls dorm then i stop before entering. "Do u no what were doing?" I ask Tyler "yeah pretty sure i do"
(Still Ryan's P.O.V)

Ok which one do u wanna get? "Amber i guess" he says.

Okay good ill get Breanna. "alright" Tyler says. I open the door and we walk in.

Breanna's  (P.O.V)
Me and Amber are just sitting down laughing about everything that just has happened in the last few seconds and talking about how Zack and Cali really need to date because they look like a really cute couple, when Ryan and Tyler walk in and walk over to us?! Ryan stands in front of me and Tyler in front of Amber!!??

Then Ryan looks at Tyler and they both nod then start counting down!!

"3...2...1!!"they both say at the same time then Ryan picks me up while Tyler picks up Amber and they hold us on there waists like were only 5 years old on a mothers waist! I mean what the heck!!??

Me and Amber look over at each other then laugh because we both are on the side of there waists as they carry us to there dorm!😂

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