Arrival at Winter River

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Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz

Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz



Disclaimer: this is a non-profit fanfiction that does not attempt to infringe the rights of those who have legal ownership of the franchises: Beetlejuice.



Lydia Deetz and the house's ghost

Chapter 1: Arrival at Winter River


I can feel the cold... I feel it expanding in my body with every beat of my heart, every beat that is slower and slower and slower....

"Can we keep him, Mommy?" I hear a voice, and then... I feel a series of movements, I can't pinpoint the elapsed time, then the warmth embraces my body and I feel my body come back to life. I open my eyes and see a beautiful nine-year-old girl holding me tenderly and feeding me a bottle.

"Charles, look at the pretty little thing Lydia brought," says the woman who seems to be the mother.

"Now I don't have time Evelyn, I have a victim, I mean client to meet me," the man barks and then comes out the door.

"What name shall we call it, Mom?" the girl asks.

"What about Percy?"



I open my eyes and realize that I was dreaming of the time when my "mistress" Lydia rescued me from freezing to death, because I was left in a crate like garbage and in a torrential rain. And yes, I call it "mistress", because without her I wouldn't have survived, and even if this bothers other cats (cats consider humans as their possession), I don't care.

Evelyn's death affected Lydia very much, taking her for years, phase after phase of rebel phase, the last one was a "death rocker", but now it's "Gothic", and I don't think it will change, since she reached the maturity necessary to say that her appearance is not the product of a whim, but it's her own way of being, which is her lifestyle (yes, Lydia is much more mature than other girls her age).

Charles, who is a workaholic, didn't worry too much about the rebellious phases of Lydia, but seeing that my mistress was interested in the Gothic, he thought his daughter needed the presence of a mother. This meant that Charles had more hours to devote to his work and not to worry about the rest. Curiously, he chose an extravagant woman named Delia as his companion, who with her "artistic skills" and snobbish personality brought Charles to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

Delia did not take very well the fact that her husband decided to move to a small town called Winter River, but in the end she agreed, provided that she was in charge of decorating the future house and that she would continue with her works of art.

As for Lydia, she had no problem moving, after all there was nothing to tie her to New York, since she had no friends... Oh, how many nights of lonely crying!, but I was always there to comfort her.

"I swear I will protect Lydia, and I won't let anything bad happen to her" I howled with all my might, seeing her worried face as she realized the arrival of the huge moving truck.

"Do you think I'll do better in Winter River than in this place, Percy?" Lydia asked me. Her concern was based on the fact that she would go to a place that was certainly more conservative than the city and therefore her appearance would be more questioned. I rubbed my head against her hand and purring away her fears.

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