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Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz

Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz




Chapter 3: Beetlejuice


After the dinner, which went on without a hitch, I became very nervous, I knew that my mistress would try to enter the "No World", to look for the ghosts and if she found out how they were expelled from the house... I felt guilty, I recognized that I behaved like a real jerk, but those ghosts wanted to evict my mistress from her house, besides, I sensed that they were stupid enough to invoke something dangerous to do the dirty work for them, a real danger as the manual indicated. I thought of going to the "No World", but the passage of time was so different in that place that I discarded the idea. In that, an old woman appeared out of nowhere.

I jumped up and down with a great leap of fright, I may have fought with evil entities but I never saw anyone appear out of nowhere instantly.

"Are you Mr. Percy?" a woman so old as to look like she was about to fall apart, asked.

Yes, I'm Percy.

"A pleasure, my name is Juno and I am in charge of the Department of Non Permanent Accommodation and Relations Between the No World and the World, I come to talk to you about the Maitlands.... I heard that they were evicted from this house, a house they should live in for at least three hundred years before relocating them to No World."

I swallowed saliva and began to apologize, fortunately Juno, although annoyed, respected the rules that gave me the power to expel the Maitlands. It turns out that the ghosts broke several rules, such as trying to scare away the living residents of the house, leaving the manual behind, and the fact that as they themselves confessed, they were tempted to invoke a dangerous entity to scare away the Deetz. The latter was what led Juno to decide that the Maitlands should be relocated to another house.

I was relieved and asked Juno to stop Lydia from meeting the Maitlands. She assured me that with the level of magic she possessed at the moment it would be impossible for her to enter No World, not without the help of some ghost and they all knew that was forbidden. There was only one problem, Lydia had to hand over the manual, there was no choice I had to leave my ordinary cat mask and let Lydia know that I had magical powers and could talk to her.

"Well, since everything is decided, I ask you to accompany me to No World at this moment."

"I can't go there, time is running oddly in that place, what would seem to me a moment, surely it would be quite a while here."

"I'm afraid there is no alternative, when you decided that the Maitlands should vacate the house, I had to deal with a lot of paperwork, paperwork that I want you to read before signing."

"But I don't know how to read."

"Don't worry about that, now come with me because I don't have much time."

A light seemed to envelop me and suddenly I found myself in No World, in fact to be more specific, in Juno's office. The office could be defined as "organized chaos", piles of paper rows piled up in the corners. Juno told me to jump on a table on the side of which there was a row of documents that I was supposed to read and sign.

"Please use this," she pointed out to me, then she put me on a kind of helmet that looked more like an old-fashioned scuba suit. The contraption was very uncomfortable, but I discovered that when I looked at a document, inside the helmet I could clearly hear a voice as if the documents were read to me. At first I thought about the absurdity of the situation, as someone might well read the document for me, but I discovered that the helmet made me fully understand all the legal terminology and didn't need to ask any questions, which saved me a lot of time.

Lydia Deetz and the house's ghost (completed 3/3)Where stories live. Discover now