Chapter 3 : This Means War

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Lux's POV

Here we are, still staring at these creatures.

"Lux, we have secured all the people, so what now?" Janna asked while looking at the damages the Dark Stars causing.

"We have to make a plan to defeat these villains..." Poppy explained.

"Ok, here's the plan, Janna, summon a monsoon behind them so that Poppy can hit them with her hammer to the sky and Jinx, blast them with a rocket in the air to do lots of damage to them while Lulu will make me bigger so that I can fly and while I'm on the sky, I will use my Final Spark to end them....You guys get the plan?" I said.

"Ok Lux!" They said altogether.

So Janna sneaked behind them but as soon as Dark Star Thresh saw her, he quickly hooked her using his weapon.

"JANNA, NO!!!" Lulu shouted.

"It's over guardian, you'll never stop us!!!" Thresh said.

"No, it's not over yet..." Jinx said, while raising Kuro on her shoulder.

And before we knew what'll happen, she suddenly fired a big rocket at them...

It's hard to tell if they're destroyed or not with the big smoke blocking our view.

"Janna! Are you okay?! Please answer!" Lulu shouted.

"I'll go in, stay right here guys." Poppy said, while going in.

But once Poppy entered the big smoke, something exploded!

The Dark Stars flew to the sky and looked at us in a bad way, "You have never seen the last of us, THIS MEANS WAR GUARDIANS!!" Thresh said , while they flew away.

"Ok, see yah later Drool Stars!" Jinx shouted.

Lulu and I went in but I saw something from the smoke.

It was Poppy with Janna on her shoulder, like she was helping her to walk.

"Janna! Poppy! You're okay, you're actually okay!" Lulu exclaimed, while running towards them and hugging them.

I just smiled and went near them.

"Are you okay Janna?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a little bruise, but I'm okay." Janna said.

"How about you Poppy?"

"I'm okay, you know what? I caused that explosion by using my hammer! It was totally awesome!" Poppy said.

Jinx went near, looking so amused so she said "Oh really short stuff? I'm shocked, but still amused and Janna, I can't believe you survived! From your age and looks, I thought you were dead!" Jinx said, while laughing.

"Well Jinx, here I am, still alive." Janna said.

I glared at the sky, it was the sunshine.

"Come on, let's go home!" I said.

So we flew to the morning sky and went home.

When we went home Janna asked "Sooo, what's for breakfast? I'll cook"

"No, you just sit down and rest, I will cook" Poppy requested.

"I want pancakes!" Lulu happily ordered.

"I also want pancakes!" Jinx smirked, while getting a fork.

"We all want pancakes please." I giggled.

"Ok, comin' right up!" Poppy said, while going to the kitchen.

I turned on the TV and saw the news.

"Hey Lux, look! We're on TV!" Lulu pointed.

"Last night was a big blast, because some crazy aliens have raided downtown, but these five magical, mystical, and mysterious girls went in and saved us, I don't know what to call them but for me, when I saw their outfits, there were like star badges on their chests, and they are like guardians, so I decided to call them.....The Star Guardians, here on Earth to protect our planet!" The reporter said.

"Wow, I think we're famous guys!" Jinx said, while dancing like crazy.

"Poppy, did you hear the TV? We're famous!" Lulu said while jumping and playing with Pix.

"Yeah, I think we're great out there, don't you think Lux?" Poppy said, while flipping the pancake.

"Yeah, we are..." I said.

I stared at the window and thought so hard.

Janna stood up then went near me.

"Is there something wrong Lux?" She asked.

"Those Dark Stars, how did they manage to enter the Earth's atmosphere without burning and dying?" I answered.

"Well, I didn't know either that's why I'm so confused but let's not think about that right now because pancakes are waiting..." Janna said, while rubbing her tummy.

"I guess you are right, let's eat, I'm staaaarviiiinnng" I said.

We went to the kitchen and ate these tasty pancakes.

"Wow, Poppy these are great!" Jinx said, while eating.

"Just like our battle last night?" Poppy asked while smiling.

"Yeesss, like my mouth is exploding because of these pancakes!" Jinx answered.

"Guys, after eating, let's get ready for school okay?" I said.

"Right!" They said altogether.

Summer's coming, but I'm sure these Dark Stars won't let us enjoy our vacation.

We have to be ready, always...

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