Ch. 3

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"Okay, are you sure you have everything you need for school?" Bellamy asked Octavia again, who was loading the conveyor belt.

"Bellamy you got me two of everything I needed," she chuckled. "I promise I'm good."

Bellamy nodded, paying for the items and helping Octavia carry them to the truck and load them inside. Bellamy drove them home, mostly in silence because Octavia was texting away. Most likely to her boyfriend, Lincoln. Who he still felt was way too old for her.

"Thanks," Octavia smiled as they put the bags in her room.

"Of course," he rubbed her hair, knowing that she hated that. "Sorry we waited until the day before school."

Octavia laughed at that. "Stop. You asked me a million times to come get my stuff I just always said we would go later. It's my fault," she smiled. "But, I'm going to grab a shower before I crash. See you in the morning?"

"I'll be dropping you off," he told her before heading to his own room. Booting up his laptop, he opened his class assignments. Two new papers have been posted, he read. One on a Greek mythology book, one on a Shakespeare book. At least he could knock the Greek one out, he thought to himself.

The next morning, Bellamy's chest was heavy as Octavia jumped out of the truck and hurried off to school.

She was a senior now, seventeen years old. Soon she would be going off to college, starting her life. Bellamy sighed, happy for her and excited, but he would miss her. It has just been the two of them for three years, and it may as well have just been the two of them for awhile before that.

As he turned down Main, his mind started to wander to post cards. Would he find one in the mail this week? And where would Clarke be this time? Russia? China? Japan, maybe?

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