Ch. 11

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Bellamy got dressed, his kind still swirling in a confused fog. He had just taken Clarke against his bathroom wall.

His phone ringing broke his thought train. He sighed before he answered.


"Hey, it's Indra. Go on ahead and take today off, okay? Would you mind checking on Clarke for me? See if she needs a ride to town or anything? I know I owe you big."

Bellamy swallowed. "No problem at all," he told her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He ended the call quickly, afraid Indra would pick up on how nervous he was. He opened his door, just as Clarke was leaving her room, dressed in shorts and a flowing tank top. She was drinking a can of coffee.

Bellamy looked over at her, unable to help his smile. Then he got an idea. "Hey, is there anywhere you need to go today? I have the day off."

"Uh, I'm going to call my mother first. See if she'll sell me the house before I look for somewhere to rent.

"Okay, well I've got to run out back for a bit. But, after you call your mom, come get me okay?"

Clarke eyed him but shrugged. "Alright."

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