Chapter One- We Find Her.

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My alarm starting beeping at 5:30 in the morning, and I woke with a start. Then, I remembered what day it was. I smiled deviously. Today was the first day of public school, the first day of my revenge against my ex boyfriend, Fletcher. I stretched, then stood and began to get ready to go. Fletcher was honestly the only thing on my mind. I hadn't thought about it much, but seeing as it was an occasion, I allowed my mind to wander to him.

Fletcher and I had been seeing each other for about 8 months, before I found out he was cheating. I really liked him a lot. I was soooooo in love with him. I can't believe I was fooled by him though. I thought he was that storybook kind of player, the one who changes his ways. I was wrong, of course.  I couldn't believe I had lost my virginity to him. But that's why this revenge was so important to me.  I did feel even more sorry for Aria, though. They'd been dating for almost two years when she found us together. She was furious at him. At first, she'd wanted to kill me. But after she'd found out I didn't know either, somehow, we just sort of became friends. Then over the summer, as we planned our revenge, we became best friends. We looked a lot different, and we acted a lot different too. She was a lot more loud and outgoing, while I was shyer and not going to lie, smarter. She didn't have a lot in common, but we really didn't have to be a lot alike. We got along.

Over the summer, I'd begged my parents to let me go to a public school for my senior year. I wanted to go to public school at least ONCE. I'd been home schooled in elementary, then I got myself a scholarship to a very elite private school in middle school and high school. After a lot of me begging, they finally let me. Well, they stopped stopping me. I had to get a ride every morning, and if my grades didn't stay up, they would kick my ass. I was still in a bit of shock that they' ACTUALLY agreed to let me. The past eleven years, the idea of me going to public school was terrible. They were so obsessed, no, possessed by the idea of me getting into a top ten school, and they thought private school would look better on the applications. But with a lot of pleading, and begging, and no lie, crying, they gave in. So I'd gotten Aria to agree to drive me for the year. I wasn't intimidated by the thought of having to keep an A at public school. I'd gotten 98% to 100% pretty much the entire time at Calverford.

After I'd eaten and updated all my social media, I got dressed. I studied myself in the mirror. I was wearing a pink ombre poncho, white jeans, gladiator sandals, and a bow ring. I began on my makeup, and was just finishing as I heard a loud beep outside. I looked out the window. It was Aria, in her tiny little Corolla. I slid on a layer of lip gloss and ran into my room, grabbing my bag. I ran down the stairs and quickly checked my bag. "Bye mom!" I called, and walked out the door. I walked over to her car and opened the passenger door.

Aria was beautiful, and once again, I was surprised with how Fletcher had been able to cheat on her. She was wearing completely shredded jeans, combat boots, a graphic tank top, sunglasses, and a bunch of woven bracelets. It was like the typical 'oh she's gorgeous but she doesn't even try because she doesn't even care' look. The look that pretty much all girls strived for.

"Morning a nerd." She greeted.

I laughed and got in. "Morning fatty." Buckling my seatbelt, I settled down, with my bag on placed in my lap.

She let her foot off the break and baked out of my driveway and headed for school.  "Remember, keep your eyes peeled for a sophomore."

"I will. But come on, Aria... Do you think she'll even do what we want? I mean honestly, I probably wouldn't." I was generally a pessimist by nature, but come on. This was ridiculous, to think we could get someone to break Fletcher's heart.

"Hopefully." Was Aria's only reply as she turned the car. We drove in silence for a few moments. "So, you excited for your first public school?"

"You make it sound like I was home schooled my whole life."

"Eh, you pretty much were." She shrugged. "You never had your bra strap snapped in 6th grade, you were never called a slut for wearing shorts to school in May in 8th. You didn't get the full experience." She laughed.

I laughed to, and then replied; "I guess that's true. I did have to deal with a cheating douche-bag boyfriend, though."

Her face tightened. "Don't worry about it anymore. That little bitch will get exactly what he deserves." She pulled into the parking lot at school and parked.

We got out of the car, and she flipped her sunglasses up and looked at me. "Senior year and revenge, here we come."

We walked into the school, and the first person I saw was him. Fletcher Pierce, my ex-boyfriend/demon. He saw Aria, and his faced morphed into a smirk. Then he saw me. It took him a moment to realize what was happening. He looked a little shocked, then he recovered and just smirked.

"I guess he's a bit surprised to see how we're friends." Aria whispered to me. "Come on, let's go find our schedules." The two of us walked past Fletcher and little posse of girls and friends. We stopped along the way  to the principals office, talking to people. Aria introduced me to people. I hadn't realized how popular she was. As we neared the office, she jabbed my side with her elbow and gestured with her head.

I saw her. A younger student, with bright red, though fake, hair. She was cute, and dressed in a dress with a sleeveless denim top tie-front for the torso, and a white layered tule skirt. Her hair was wavy, and partially pulled back with a big white bow. She looked so cute and small, perfect. Fletcher had a thing for short girls. That much I knew. I mean I was five two, and Aria was five feet one at her very tallest.

"She's perfect." I breathed. Aria and I exchanged a glance, then shuffled towards her, wearing smiles.

"Hello!" Aria greeted as she stopped in front of the girl.

The girl looked at us and smiled. "Hi." She smiled.

"Are you new here?" Aria asked.

"Yeah, I'm a new sophomore. What about you guys?"

"I'm new too, but I'm a senior." I replied.

"And I've been going here for years. I'm Aria, and this is Jade." She introduced us. "What's your name?"

"I'm Rosalie." she smiled.  "And, Aria... I think I might know you. You were the volleyball team captain last year weren't you?"

"This year too." Aria laughed.

"Yeah, I know you. I moved here from a few towns away. You're dating Fletcher Pierce, the football player, aren't you?"

We both winced. "No. Not anymore." Aria said tightly.

"Oh..." Rosalie said awkwardly. Silence between them both.

I spoke up. "Hey, Rosalie, why don't you sit with us at lunch today?"

"Okay, cool!" Rosalie smiled.

"Come on Aria, gotta get our schedules." I pulled her away and we walked into the principals office.

After we had our schedules, we compared them. We had all but two of our classes together. We had pre-calc, gym, art, and ancient history together. We both headed to our first period, pre-calc, talking about how to tell Rosalie our plan. We decided not to tell her just yet. We would wait until she liked us. Our teacher for pre-calc was Mrs. Lawely, an older grouchy lady. But the class seemed pretty easy to me. I leaned back in my seat, smiling. Let the games begin.

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