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It was a hot evening at the game. Fletcher had been unknowingly popping hormones into his body for almost a month now. I hadn't noticed anything extremely different about him , nor had Rosalie, which was frustrating. Homecoming had came and went, and still nothing really embarrassing had happened for him. He still hadn't suffered adequately.

I was sitting in the bleachers with Aria, eating popcorn and soda. Neither of us was a big fan of the game, but Rosalie was going with Fletcher. She still told the school they were just friends and not together, but he drove her to school every day, and they hung out all the time. I could tell Fletcher was very intrigued by her, especially since she wouldn't kiss him since the party.

Recently, she was playing the coy act, because we had found him with Ava Fisher in the closet during 4th period, and that was a huge set back. That meant that he wasn't really into Rosalie as much as we'd thought. So we tried the whole jealousy thing. Rosalie was now in a flirtationship with both Fletcher and a junior boy, Spencer Jordans. Spencer was bit nerdy, but very cute and funny. He was as popular as a bookworm could possibly be.


Three quarters of the way into the game, our team was losing badly. Aria and I were close to where the team was gathered and Fletcher didn't look to good. He was playing badly. I looked over to where Rosalie was seated and noticed Spencer with her. They were laughing and flirting like old friends. I grinned. Fantastic.

Averting my gaze back to Fletcher. He was looking at Rosalie to. His good luck charm wasn't his, and everyone was blaming him for the failure.

"Well Ari, looks like Fletcher has no one to be his charm." What happened next was so sudden and random, I couldn't  believe our luck.

He literally, I kid you not, began to bawl. Sweaty and surrounded by his friends, he had an emotional meltdown.

"STOP IT! JUST STOP IT!" He yelled to his team mate as they complained that he was playing slowly. "ITS ALWAYS FLETCHER IS TO SLOW! FLETCHER DOESN'T TACKLE HARD ENOUGH. FLETCHER BEAT ME UP LAST SUNDAY. I'M SO OVER THIS SHIT! NO ONE EVER ASKS ME  HOW I FEEL! NO ONE EVER COMFORTS ME." His bright red face was covered in tears. "YOU GUYS DON'T CARE ABOUT ME. Shawn, I can't believe that after almost 7 years of football together and you don't ask me about my FEELINGS!"

Shawn's mouth was a round O, and suddenly everyone who saw what happened just started guffawing. They just lost it, laughing at him.

"That was the PERFECT impression of a chick on her period." Shawn laughed, attempting to give Fletcher a high five.

Aria and I just looked on in pure delight.

Fletcher looked furious. He took a perfect blow to Shawn's face with his fist, and still crying, stomped off of the field, and towards his car.

I looked at Aria. She looked at me. We started laughing our asses off, and running down to Rosalie. She looked mildly concerned.

"ROSALIE! They worked! They worked. Oh beautiful, beautiful!" Aria squealed, making sure to keep her voice down.

"The pill switch!" I added, grinning.

Rosalie was making 'stop it' gestures, and I didn't understand why, until I looked at the boy beside her. OH SHIT.

"JUST KIDDING!" Aria panicked. 

Grinning, Spencer responded; "Its okay, I won't tell anyone." He stood. "Rose, you want a ride hoome?"

"No thanks, my friends will give me a ride." Rosalie said, obviously not wanting to blow us off. But I could tell she really liked Spencer.

"Umhm, actually we promised the freshman a ride home. So go, Rosalie." We pushed her gently towards him. She smiled. "THANK YOU!" She lipped at us, then walked with Spencer to his car.

"Aww. Young love." Jade smiled.

"Young love." I agreed, then took Jade's arm. "Operation embarrassment has officially started. The first mission. Success. So what's next?

"Wouldn't it be fun if Fletcher had a party? A surprise party? Say with about four hundred people invited? What on earth would he do when they all show up?" She winked at me, and I mentally fist pumped.

"Sounds fun." I replied, smirking. Tossing my hair over my shoulder, we took each other's arms. "Finally, he's going to pay."


First, we had Rosalie steal his phone. It was easy. When we swept her off her feet, which he did often, he wouldn't notice her hand creep into his pocket and slip it away. And he didn't.

So as we all, Aria, Rosalie, Me, and now Spencer, sat in the school's media room, we had it set to all contacts, and then sent out; Party at my place. BRING EVERYONE. STRIPPERS AND ALCOHOL, BRING FRIENDS. GONNA BE SICK. 9:00

It sounded a bit cheesy, but I'm sure that that would be enough to get everyone to come. "So, send?" I asked.

"Send." Rosalie confirmed. I obeyed, sending. It processed the order for a moment, then sent.

I grinned deviously. "It is done."

"Good." Aria nodded. "We should get his phone back to him soon."

"Aww, can't we leek his nudes?" I asked with a laugh.

Aria thought it about it for a moment. "I really really really want to say yes, but it probably wouldn't end well, so we'll save that as a last reserve."

We had kind of elected Aria the leader. Spencer had joined our group and was a quite part, but he didn't like Fletcher either. Mostly because Fletcher had stolen every girl that Spencer had liked during his freshman and sophomore years. So he was down for revenge. I was the vice-leader. Rosalie was the figure head of our group, seeing as she was the only one who Fletcher liked at all. And Spencer was just the boy's voice in the group, and it was very helpful. What wasn't helpful, was that when we planned revenge, we always voted. And if it involved Rosalie being psychically romantic with Fletcher, his vote always a resounding no. His feelings got in the way of his want for vengeance.

It was kind of cute though. Everything Rosalie pretending to feel with Fletcher, it was real for Spencer, and vice versa. I wanted to just push them together and scream; "OH JUST FRICKIN' DATE!!"

"So how are we going to see this unfold?" Spencer asked.

"Fletcher's house is HUGE. No one notice if we hide by the opposite wall and spy." Aria responded.

"And get arrested for stalking." Rosalie pointed out.

"Its worth it, isn't it?"

Fletcher PierceWhere stories live. Discover now