Chapter Three- And SNAP.

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After school, Rosalie came home with me and Jade. She was shy at first, but she was beginning to open up.

I live with my 6 older brothers and my dad. As soon as I pulled up, I had to warn Rosalie. "Rosalie, I have 6 older brothers. They can be... loud." I warned. Jade laughed softly.

She looked terrified.

"Don't worry about it. they won't hurt you." I laughed, taking my bag and getting out. Jade and Rosalie followed me into the house. As soon as we walked in, Chase, the brother who was just a year older than me, but a foot taller, yelled to me; "ARI, WHADDYA WANT US TO ORDER FOR DINNER!"


Chase walked out from the kitchen and over. "Oh. Hi." He said rather dismissively.

I rolled my eyes and led Rosalie and Jade upstairs to my closet of a room.

"Need something to change into, Rosalie?" Since she was in a dress, I figured she might want something more comfortable.

"Yeah." She replied.

I walked over to my dresser, and grabbed her some leggings and a tank top. I tossed them into her hands. "You can change in the bathroom. Across the hall."

"Thanks." She walked out.

Jade was changing to. She threw on a pair of yoga shorts and a oversized sweater.

I kicked off my shoes, and walked to the exit of my room. "Tell Rosalie that I'll be back. I'm going to go ask my dad to let us have the tent, because I think Jack is having his girlfriend over, and they just made up after a fight."

Jade made a face, and I laughed, bounding down the stairs and colliding with Zack.Just so you don't get confused, my brothers are, starting at the oldest, Danny(28)Zack(25), Jack(24) Will(22) Tom(21), and Chase(18).

"Nice job Klutz." He said, helping me up.

"Oh shut up." I replied, standing and walking out into the garage. Dad was there, like usual, working on his truck. We're a truck family.

"Hey daddy." I said loudly, so he could hear me over the 80's music he was blasting.

He straightened his back and looked at me. "Hey sweetheart."

"I brought home a few friends. I was wondering if we could use the tent tonight?"

"You don't want to be inside for Jack and Sarah's reunion?" He laughed.

I shuddered. "Please?"

"Sure." He responded. "Need any help setting it up?"

"No, we're good."

I went upstairs and rejoined Jade and Rosalie. The rest of the night, we just hung out, and had fun, like normal kids. We camped out in the tent and freaked each other out with ghost stories. It was really fun. But we did have to tell her the plan. Luckily, she actually liked the plan. First, though, we had to get him to notice her. And I had the perfect way to do that.


The next morning I had to speed up my getting ready so I could help Rosalie. Jade and I had her dressed in black shorts, and a white lace tank top and black vans. I was dressed in a black high rise skirt and a blue ruffly top, flats. Jade was dressed in jeans, toms, and a button over. We all looked cute, but Rosalie looked best, and I knew that Fletcher would like it.

As we walked down the stairs, Chase was down  near the base, also getting ready. His eyes fell onto Rosalie. It wasn't just her clothes, which looked very nice on her. It was her face, her hair, her demeanor.

"Damn." He commented.

Rosalie blushed. I smiled but scolded Chase. "Keep your eyes where they belong." I smacked him, and we left for school.


We had to enter school separately, so that Fletcher wouldn't know that we were friends. We came in first, and paused at Jade's locker, which was pretty near Fletcher's. Of course, he was surrounded by this posse.

Then Rosalie walked in, and Fletcher's loud laughing and goofing off stopped. He smirked, and as Rosalie passed, he called out;

"Come here, sweetheart."

Rosalie paused and turned towards him. "Wait, me?"

He grinned and winked. "Yes. What's your name?"

"Rosalie." She blushed appropriately.

"Rosalie, how'd you like to come eat with us at lunch?" He asked. A few cheerleaders looked less than happy.

"Okay!" Rosalie smiled, and played with her hair and her and Fletcher playfully flirted.

Fletcher was checking her out and he wasn't even subtle. He would've flat out started touching her if the hall monitor wasn't feet away.

The bell rang, and they had to part, but I could tell Fletcher didn't want to part from her.

Snap. The trap was set. Rosalie was a good actress. And more importantly, Fletcher wasn't very smart. Jade and I exchanged a glance and laughed maniacally as we headed to class.


TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!:O I was just really feeling the story, so hear ya go! I know its a little soon, get over it. ;P Comment, vote, share iwth yo friends, and follow me! The pic is Rosalie's outfit.

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