Chapter Ten- Valentine's Day

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"So what do you think Fletcher will get me for Valentine's day?" I asked Aria and Jade.

"Not much. Probably a Hallmark card and a candy bar." Jade shrugged. "That's what he got me."

"For our first year, he got me just that, but for two years, I got flowers and a card."

"So I'll be counting on not much."

"I don't know, he seems to really like you."

I rolled my eyes. Ulgh. I hated him. "Well I'll probably toss the card, and eat the candy."

"That's exactly what I would do." Jade and Aria chimed in, at the exact same time.

Aria pulled up in her parking spot at school, and turned the car off. "Come on, let's go in."

We all hopped out of the car. "Why didn't Fletcher want to give you a ride this morning?" Jade asked.

"He said he had a surprise." I shrugged.

"Hmm." Aria commented suspiciously.

I laughed and walked inside the school with them, and over to my locker. I opened it and sitting inside was a envolope with my name printed on it. I took it and sliced it open. Aria and Jade watched in interest. Inside was a handprinted card.

"Read it aloud." Aria urged. I complied, opening the card.

Clearing my throat I began to read:

Dear Rosalie,

I've never been good at expressing how I feel. Guess that's just part of being a boy. But I'll really try to tell you how happy I am to be dating a girl as beautiful, funny, smart, and sweet as you. I've never met someone with as a kind heart as you. You are the first person that I think of in the mornings, and when I'm mad or annoyed at anything, I just think of what you would do or  say, and I can get through it. You are the last person that I text at night, and you are always somewhere in my mind.

If I could, I would hold you in arms every day. I would play with your hair and take you for drives and buy you anything you wanted. I would give up everything I just to have you with me. Just to see you smile, and hear your amazing laugh. I know it sounds weird, but have the most amazing, beautiful laugh. Its small and delicate and beautiful, just like you.

"I can't believe he just called me delicate." I complained. 

"Your complaing? This is beautiful." Aria exclaimed. "Keep reading."

You are my happy place, Rosalie. I know it doesn't really make sense, but remember when I went out of town for Christmas, and for two weeks, I didn't see you? Those were so hard. I missed you so much more than I thought. Of course, I had fun, but I felt incomplete, like something or someone was missing. Then when I came home and you ran to greet me, with snow falling, and I saw you with snowflakes dotting your red hair and smile lighting up your face and a twinkle in your eyes, I knew at once, that I was a goner. I was in head over heels in love with you. I can't explain it any other way. I don't know how it happened, it just did. Probably because you are the only girl in the world who's been able to make me smile every time we talk.The only one who can genininely make me laugh and feel good, through and through.

I can't properly express how you make feel. Amazing isn't a good enough adjective to describe it. You make me feel like I'm so much more than I ever could be on my own. Complete. So on this Valentine's day, I just wanted to say, that from the very bottom of my heart, I love you, and every little thing that makes you you.

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